Chapter 89: Eternal Damnation

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Opening his little bird eyes slightly, two dull-grey eyes replaced the Owl boi's usual clear yellow eyes and black hue.

Wildcat: Are we done?

Snapping out of Evan's thoughts was Wildcat's voice in the distance. Turning his attention back to him, Vanoss' eyes soon returned to their usual yellow color.

Vanoss: Yeah, I guess it's about time we return.

Wildcat: Oooof, this was one long ass month huh?

Understanding that they have completed one of the objectives to return back to earth, a faint smile appeared on Wildcat's lips as he slumped on the ground.

Recalling what had happened this past month, he felt absolutely tired.

From infiltrating the Beastmen Capital to starting a war to infiltrating the most secured location on Seltonn...

A lot happened this past month.

Vanoss: Yeah, a very stressful one, but it's not like it wasn't without any gains.

Wildcat: I guess so.

This trip, which was supposed to be something he had agreed to return back to earth for him to plan to engage his Girlfriend. And helping his friend causes something that no sane person will ever do turned out to be much more fruitful than he had ever imagined.

Not only does Vanoss get one of the ingredients of returning to earth, he also has some cool loot that seems to cause so much shit tons of cash.

From the Grass of Vitality to a couple of other things he picked up from the treasury, it was a truly fruitful trip.

Staring at Wildcat slumped on the floor, recalling something, Evan smacked his hand with his fist

Vanoss: Ah right, after we deal with this, maybe we should-


Before he could say more, something large was launched as it passed between them, landing on the ground with slight injuries.

Wildcat: What the hell?!

Vanoss: Damn! It's T'challa!

Noticing the large person who got launched is none other than T'challa, he seems a bit fine but he has several injuries in him.

Wildcat: Yo Brother, what happened?

T'challa: Enemies... ahead.

Turning their heads towards the direction T'challa gazed on. The first thing they spotted is two figures entering the treasury room. One of them is a knight with full blue armor, wielding two whips that seem each of them emitted with fire and lightning magic in them.

And his magic flow, which made Vanoss and Wildcat turn very anxious.

Peak <A+> rank.

The other person beside him appears to have a ponytail hairstyle while wearing a black uniform, behind it is his armoy which seems to appear to be nearly all of it are green in color. His weapon of choice is a katana like scabbard on his waist, that seems to be waiting for its wielder to draw.

And as for his rank...

<B-> rank, probably the exact same level as the two were.

<B-> rank, probably the exact same level as the two were

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