Metagaming to Avert Crisis

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The tension is high. So high and so fragile. One wrong move, and we all pay for it.

In one side, Zarc was glaring hatefully at Ray. The green lines on his wings and his staffs are glowing, charged with Magic. Not only that, the way he grips his staff and aim them at Ray was as if they're scythes to cut her in half.

In other side, Ray was staring defiantly without an ounce of fear. Her grip at her baton conductor/rapier hybrid weapon was tight that her knuckles must be turning white. Her won wings, that take shape of a fairy, has their lines glowing in all colors under rainbow.

The two were at stalemate.

And we, Yuya, Yuzu, and I, were standing on the side. Moonlight, and Black Rose are ready to interfere and protect us at any moment notice. Mostly they are shrouding the area to prevent any tech from detecting us.

It would be awkward to explains why two kids and one teen decided to walk into the woods at night.

Across us, was Odd Eyes, Timegazer, and Stargazer. Unlike Odd Eyes who is also glaring angrily at Ray, growling threats and unkind words, the Magicians were bit on neutral side. Apprehensive.

"I almost want to say Nice to See You Again," sneered Zarc, "But we all know it would be a lie."

"Why are you here?" Ray avoided in replying, and choose to ask her own question.

"Shouldn't I be the one who asking you that? No wait. Stupid question. You're here to put me down like rabid beast you think I am."

"And you are trying to influence him." She glanced at Yuya, who bristles.

"Oh, going straight for worst impression, aren't we?!" Zarc snarled. "Have you ever occurred that, maybe I am here because Yuya NEEDS My help and I was just answering his wish?!"

"And by doing so, you can manipulate him to help you revive yourself!"

"You talk as if you are not one yourself!"

"What do you mean?!"

"You are an Akaba, dumbass! Akabas are manipulators at heart! Your kins don't give a shit about whom you must use and tramples so long your end goals are meet!"



The two clashes against each other. Magic meet magic. Bladed edge meets bladed edge. Stargazer and Timegazer quickly leap at our defense and erected a barrier to keep the worst out.

"W-what is happening?" Yuzu stammered. "Why are they hate each other? And what does he mean by Akaba? Euterpe wasn't..."

...there are better moments to explain things, but there are worse times, so...

"What do you know about Multiverse Theory?" I ask her. "That there are more universes, or at least, dimensions around our own? Among them is dimension that is inhabited by creatures that we call Duel Spirit. The soul representation of Duel Monsters that was depicted in Monster Cards. That dimension is connected to our own by Magic. And don't you dare to say Magic doesn't exist thing, as the proof is before our eyes."

"Then... why we never heard about it until now?"

"Mostly because Magic almost dies out." I replied with a shrug. "The connection between our world and Spirit World is much stronger back in ancient times. Ancient Egypt in particular have strong fondness to Summoning Spirit to conduct ritual or tournament. In fact, their ritual is the base of Duel Monsters we know nowadays." Pegasus J. Crawford, or Pegasus Maxmillian depends on which adaptation we are using, is the in-universe creator of Duel Monsters, and he use ritual from ancient Egypt, Atem's Era, as inspiration. In fact, didn't he scour ancient digging sites for more inspiration?

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