Chapter 10

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I instantly looked up, dropping the paper immediately. She bit her lip, her gaze dropping on the paper and I sent a silent prayer that she wouldn't ask. She starts to approach me, edging closer and closer to me, her eyes still fixated on that paper.

"Uh, Vienna, honey, isn't it a little too early to be awake right-" I was shut up by her cupping my cheeks, forcing me to look into her icy blue eyes.

"Shh." She murmured and leaned in so close I could feel her hot breath hitting my face. My adam's apple bobbed as I swallowed. She pushed a stray strand of my messy hair behind my ear, "I've been up for an hour, just thinking about last night.

And I thought to myself, that if I don't do my best to make you happy, then I don't know what I'm here for.."

She perched herself on my lap. My heart hammered wildly against my chest as her lips slowly pressed against my cheek. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of her full lips against my smooth skin. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, and her arms encircled my neck as well, a mischievous smile spreading across her kissable lips. It was getting harder to breath, and my thoughts were going wild from her simple gestures.

It was wrong, the direction my thoughts were going to as her ample chest pressed against my hard one when she hugged me, when her thighs moved to either side of me as she leaned in slowly, her lips brushing against my earlobe as she murmured,

"You like this, don't you?"

And then I woke up, scolding myself for thinking like that about my own daughter. Hating that I actually enjoyed how real it felt.

I hate myself.

"Ooh, what's this?" Vienna squeaked out excitedly as she held the paper in between her fingers.

"Gah!" I jumped.

I quickly snatched it away from her hold, and she jutted her lower lip in response. "That's private." I simply said as I walked towards the refrigerator and put it on top of it, where she can never reach it.

She started to giggle. "Okay then." I started to stare at her, like I found myself doing most of the time. My gaze dropped on her shimmering lips. "Do you.. Do you have lip gloss on?"

As if a reflex, her finger flew towards it, "Maybe."

I don't know how to feel about it. About my dream, about her starting to grow up right in front of my eyes.

It scared me.

Her expression started to grow serious again as she spoke, "So, I was up for the past hour just thinking about last night.."


"And I realized I have to do everything in my power to make you happy. That's what daughters are for, right? It's time I give back to you. I mean, you spoil me and shower me with gifts, and I love and appreciate it, trust me, I do. But I need just one thing in order to make sure we could be back the way we were."

I licked my lips, "What is it?"

She smiled slowly, "Your trust."

"I do trust you." I argued, running my fingers through my hair. What was she trying to do?

"Show me then. Prove it." She said. I blinked in confusion and she merely smiled, taking my hand and leading me to her bedroom.

She gestured towards her window, the one I had reasonably locked the night she ran away and I found her doing unspeakable things. I could already see where she was going, but she was asking for too much of me. "Unlock it."

Vienna {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now