Chapter 16

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Side Effects

Chapter 16:

"Are you going to answer?" The blonde snapped. "Or just stand there like a pair of lost weirdos.." She eyed us up and down scoffing.

"Listen bitch. We may be new but thats no excuse to treat us like shit. Who do you think you are? I suggest you shut the fuck up and sit down. Thanks" Cece blurted out grabbing my arm and dragging me away, but before we could get away the fake blonde stopped us.

"Whats your name?" She asked with a snobby attitude. I didnt know the question was directed toward me until i turned around to see her with her arms crossed starring daggers into me.

"Uh.. Its Ava.." I replied nervously.

"Ava...?" She motioned for me to keep going.

"Miller." I suddenly became more nervous.

"Well well well.. Austin Mahone's bestfriend?"

"Ex bestfriend" I blurted out quickly. Then covered it up with a question "Whats your name?"

"Taylor. Thats Meredith" She pointed to the other blonde. "and thats Alexis" She pointed to the brunette.

It suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. Taylor dated Austin for like 3 months until she broke up with him. I remember that. Austin made the song... What was it? Taylor.. issues!! Taylor issues! Thats it!

"You and Austin... You guys are like a thing... right?" She asked smirking and i shook my head gulping.

"Come on Ava lets go." Cece tugged at my arm and i turned to her.

"Wait a sec." I walked a little closer to Taylor. "Whats makes you think were a "thing?" I askes curiously.

"Theres pictures of you two together. Duh" She said playing with the ends of her hair rolling her eyes.

"Just because were together doesnt mean were a thing.." I said and turned around walking away with Cece.

"What was that about?" Cece asked as we went down the hall still in search of our class. Were late because of everything that happened so this will be fun. Great first impression. Right? Yeah, no.

"Its nothing. I'll explain later okay?" I shrugged and she nodded. We finally found the class and walked in awkwardly. Everyone turned and starred at us like we were a pair of aliens from another planet.

"Welcome..?" The teacher begun.

"Cece and Ava!" Cece smiled small as i nodded.

"Cece and Ava.. Welcome to the class. Im Mr. Koshek. Class give them a warm welcome. " A few people waved and the teacher looked around. "Last two seats. Take em!"

The only two seats left were seperate. Cece started for the seat next to a red headed, freckled girl. So, the only seat left for me was next to a jock in a varsity jacket with Justin Bieber hair.

I shook my head at Cece as she winked. I went to the desk and sat down.

"Hey im Aaron" He smiled big. His teeth were perfect pearly whites and i couldnt help but noticed his smiled was slightly crooked.

"Ava" I blushed a little. I was always bad with guys. All the time. Aaron just chuckled and turned back to the teacher.

"Okay so class. Your first assignment will be today!" The class erupted in groans.

"But its the first day!!" This kid whined in the back row.

"Yeah yeah. I know its the first day but we this will be good to get to know your partner and also learn some new stuff!" Mr. Koshek winked but no one laughed.... Awkward!

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