twenty-seven - france

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Once we've arrived in France, we get shown to our hotel room at Hotel Martinez. Apparently some of the other Elvis cast members are staying in the same hotel. Because of the time zone change it's about 4 pm here, but since we're both drained from the flight, Austin and I decide to have an early dinner at the hotel, then just go back to our room and try to sleep and adjust to the time difference.

This hotel is so fancy, and I'm glad I overpacked, offering myself plenty of options to wear to dinner. I end on a black dress with a white bow collar, gold jewelry, simple black heels, and an intentionally messy ponytail on my head. I add a plain Saint Laurent bag, and go find Austin, getting ready in the bathroom.

He turns his head to look at me before saying, "You are absolutely breathtaking, Dempsey." As I walk to look in the mirror, he kisses my cheek, and hugs me from behind.

Through the mirror, I look at us, admiring Austin's simple outfit of a white button up and black suit. "You're very good looking too, Butler." I peck his lips before pulling my phone out and snapping a picture of this moment in the mirror. Is it wrong to say "power couple" if it's my own relationship?

The two of us head out of the hotel room, and down to dinner. We start with wine, when I regret wearing a short sleeved dress due to the cold. Austin gives me his suit jacket to warm me up. I just want to shout that I love him. Is it bad to love him already? We've known each other for a solid two weeks, but something about him just feels perfect.

We fought once, resolved it, and now I feel like he's been everything I ever wanted. It's too soon though. I would say 'Isla, you barely know the man,' but it's just not true. The two of us spent the past two weeks learning every detail about each other and basically living in each other's homes.

He knows that I like the air conditioning no matter what temperature and I'd rather go to sleep freezing than too warm. I know that he gets up at 6:45 every morning to go for a run, unless something else comes up, and he always pre-plans his route, and listens to the same 10 songs to ensure that his run is a perfect 30 minutes.

He knows that if I don't do my skincare routine before I go to bed, I won't sleep as well, so he does it with me. I know that he mumbles in his sleep everytime I get out of bed, and doesn't make a noise when I'm laying next to him.

I'm taken out of my peaceful state of mind when Austin leans toward me. "Isla, be nice. Olivia's over there." He motions to where she's standing with her eyes and when I look the two of us make eye contact. A huge smile comes onto her face as she stops her conversation and makes her way over to Austin and I's table. 

what it feels like - Austin ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now