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Maisly Ravera

" lucky you left the town so early WE was coming for you love . Timmy is missing you baby 😉" Amir read out from the message I read from my phone .

"Baby there not done with me .. there going to keep looking for me.. I don't wanna go back.. I'm scared " my voice cracked as I began to panick.

" Amir what's going on?" Autumn asked getting scared . "Nothing get kylan for me " he says while holding my hand . He looks over and see me panicking and crying.

" ayee sis what's up what happened?" He asked then he showed him my phone and his face changed also.

" look at me .. breath okay slow .. that's our problem when we get back we can have cops working on that as we're gone " he says rubbing my back.

I calm down but not a lot . " is she okay sir" the flight attendant asked us. " Yea she just had a panic attack she's okay ." He says kissing my cheek.

" okay would you like some cold water " she ask me but I don't answer as I rested my head against his shoulder. "Yea she will take one" he says wrapping his arm around me .

He assured that I was okay while keeping me close but all I could think about were bad things evolved with Timmy.

I took a slow breath as he kept me in his arms then the lady brought back 2 waters and a blanket. "Thank you" he says and opens the water .

" here can you drink some water?" He ask moving towards my mouth but I shake my head no and move it.

"Baby please then I'll leave you alone ." He said and I took a couple sips of the water. "Soo you really want me leaving you alone nice" he says jokingly which makes me laugh a little .

" I'd never want you to leave me alone " I say kissing his lips . I lay my head on his shoulder and wrapped myself into the small cover holding the hem of his shirt.

Amir Valentino

I watched her drift off to sleep as her body calmed down. She was holding onto my shirt making sure I wouldn't move.

I've noticed when she sleeps she has to hold something no matter what it is . A bear, the cover , my shirt or even me. It's comforting to her and helps her sleep and if she don't hold onto something it takes a while for her to go to sleep and it's kinda cute how she holds onto me like a kid holds their teddy bear

I held her hand as she laid on my shoulder and began watching my movie on the screen. "Is she okay?" Autumn asked again. I know for the most part she's confused about everything and cares truly for her . She's literally sees her as a sister which is adorable so she's going to need answers soon.

I take a deep breath and release and say. "She feel like someone was trying to get her cause she got an anonymous message on her phone " I say sighing.

"Do you think it was the man that took her ?" She says shakily. "I'm not sure autumn .. just know y'all are safe with me okay? I love you guys and I'll do anything to keep y'all safe . Get some rest ." I say kissing her forehead .

I lean back in my seat letting sleep take over me as well...


I wake up with Maisly looking at me . She's so adorable and fine as fuck. Fucking sexy. I chucked cause she was watching just like I would with her when she's sleep cause she's adorable.

"What?" I say kissing her lips . " nothing I'm just very excited my love " she says and holding my hand . "I bet you are " I chuckled as we made out for a couple minutes. I can't wait to get off this plane so I can hold my girl properly.

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