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Taeyong was acting weird.

Jaehyun eyed the older as he joked around with the other members, completely throwing him off the loop which wasn't a very Taeyong thing to do at all.

Unless he did something wrong? Or unintentionally made the older feel uncomfortable?

It felt odd. Normally Taeyong would love to sleep on Jaehyun's bed and spend the night cuddling, especially when he had nightmares. The younger loved his company.

They never went on cat café dates anymore, neither did they have their Friday 'Jaeyong' movie nights. Usually the older making up the most lamest excuses to ditch their plans.

It would be stupid for the younger to deny that he did not miss his hyung, on the contrary he started to blame himself that he was the reason Taeyong didn't like him anymore.

Or why else would he do fun stuff with the other members and not with him? Maybe he took Taeyong's claims that he was the leader's favourite baby a little too seriously?

Either way, it stung. There were a couple of times when Jaehyun would sob in a dark corner of his room, jealousy and sadness bubbling in his chest as he replayed the moments when Taeyong showed affection to the other members while ignoring him completely.

He was very hurt.

"H-Hyung?" Jaehyun's deep voice stuttered as he entered the older's room. Taeyong looked up from his phone, a little concerned seeing how nervous the younger seemed.

Jaehyun was one of the most boldest and confident people he's ever known.

"Yes, Jae-jae? Is there something wrong?"

His heart tugged at the special nickname only Taeyong used for him. "I just..wanted to clear up any misunderstandings..you know?" He mumbled, looking at his feet. The younger could already feel tears welling up in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"You..don't like me anymore, right? I'm no longer your favourite?" Jaehyun's voice shook as he stared up at the older who had immediately pulled him into a tight embrace. "Baby.. why would you ever think of such a thing?"

Taeyong was aware of his change of behaviour towards Jaehyun during the past few weeks. He had his reasons of course,

He was in love with Jaehyun.


There was no way the younger would be willing to have a relationship with his own hyung. Besides, he was pretty sure Jaehyun was straight.

"You never hang out with me anymore, or give cuddles and kisses.. I-I just..thought that m-maybe you..d-didn't--"

The older leaned their foreheads together, one hand going up to massage the younger's nape lightly. "Jae-jae, I'm so sorry for making you feel this way, baby.. I was scared to tell you how I really felt. I thought about how you would leave me if I told you the truth." He sighed.

"T-Tell me what..?"

"That I'm in love with you, Jaehyun. I fall deeper every second I spend with you. I was scared of losing everything, so I thought.. staying away from you would rid these feelings."

Jaehyun sniffed quietly, moving his face closer until their lips touched. Taeyong froze for a moment before cupping his soft cheeks.

"That's.. my answer." The younger huffed, face flushed red as they pulled apart. "You mean..?"

"Yes, I love you too hyung."

Taeyong smiled, kissing Jaehyun's forehead. "Just.. don't push me away like that anymore." The younger spoke, his expression saddened for a moment which broke the older's heart.

"Baby, I.."

"It's okay, I forgive you." He giggled, showing off his dimples.

The two cuddled on Taeyong's bed, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears until they eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.

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