Ladies day out

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I promised Adi that I will wait for him and without my knowledge and tiredness I slept in the couch itself when I opened my eyes I would feel the weight in my lower abdomen a small and contented smile left my face seeing Adi’s hand wrapped around my abdomen protectively as if this life depends on it and our legs where entwined with each other, I try to get out of his grip but failed multiple times, when I checked the time from my mobile it was 5: 30 am, I kept reminding myself that I need to wake up now and start helping Kalama since Aditi and her mom are here, but his lock is not easy to break through without disturbing him, so I leaned towards him and tickled his tummy which finally helped me to release from his grip when he stirred in his sleep and moved the other way, using this opportunity I made sure I rush to the washroom to finish my morning chores in record time and went to the kitchen, to my surprise both Aditi and her mom where already in the kitchen busy preparing morning breakfast, and at the same time Kalama also came down with equal shocking expression.

Ad mom: Va kala, Va ma Shalu, here coffee is ready for you both, and today we have prepared all Adi’s favorite breakfast dish

K: Why are you taking so much effort Akka, me and Shalini could have done it right.

Ad mom: illa kala, I didn’t do anything. It's all Aditi who prepared all these dishes, how can she forget Adi’s favorite dishes, and you know she is preparing his favorite mushroom biryani also for lunch, see how responsible and caring my daughter is towards Adi.

Kmv : Enna Akka, what is your plan, do you think that you can easily insult my daughter in my house and get away with it? None of your tricks will work with me Akka don’t even try for it

Ad mom: Enna Kala, take the coffee and sit in the dining room. We will finish off with our cooking and get back to you.

Shalini and Kalama, got the coffee from them and moved towards the dinning area, both where quite from some time and then Kalama asked Shalini to get dressed up after Adi leaves to office to do some shopping for Malini’s wedding, meanwhile around 6:30 Aditi was moving towards Adi’s bedroom with coffee in her hand.

K: Aditi ma where are you going with Coffee in hand?

Ad: Athai its for Adi mama, he likes his bed coffee illa, so I was taking it for him.

K: Shalini ma! Go get the coffee from Aditi and give it to Adi and come, we should not let the guest do our house work . You are an educated woman so you should know your limits and rights in this house correct thane Aditi ma!

Kala was clearly setting things for Aditi reminding her that she is only a guest in this house and she has no rights in her kitchen and in their house, Understanding the inner meaning Aditi was grinning a weak smile and gave the coffee cup to Shalini and walked towards her room. Meanwhile Adi comes down all freshen up.

A: Hi sweetheart! Good morning.

I wish Shalini a little louder and pecked her head sideways, Shalini was a blushing mess, but it was an delightful scene to see Aditi burning from within when she saw me kissing her head, I indirectly conveyed Aditi that no matter how mush ever misunderstanding she tries to create between us our relationship will grow stronger and stronger only. Aditi stormed into her room and closed her door with a bang making a loud noise showing her frustration fully on the door, we finished our breakfast with full annoyance of Aditi’s mom praising her daughters cooking skill, luckily Aditi was still in her room, I understood that they must have prepared lunch for me as well, so I informed that I am having a team lunch and left the place I would see disappointment in my athai’s eyes but I didn’t want them to mock my Shalini for her cooking, had I known that they only prepared breakfast I would have skipped that as well, but I am no way going to take the lunch prepared for me, my mom informed me that she and Shalini will accompany me and asked me to drop them in nearby temple.

My Forbidden FruitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon