Like Father, Like Son

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The Xbox controller slipped from your grasp and tumbled onto the floor. Pete watched it fall before looking over at you again. He then softly asked, "Are...are you okay?"

"No," you replied more curtly than intended. "Not at all."

Pete scooted closer to you on the couch. "I'm not sure why they're requesting to see you, but I promise everything will be alright. We won't let anything bad happen to you."

Barely a second after he spoke, two guards appeared in the room. They were Joonwoo and Seonghwa, the other men Beomseok had introduced you to. Seonghwa carried a bulletproof vest in his left hand, and you had a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach about whom it was for.

That feeling was confirmed when he held it out to you. "You'll need to wear this under your shirt."

You kept your hands in your lap. "Can't I deny the Chois' request?"

"I'm afraid not," said Joonwoo.

"What, is the Mafia a dictatorship or something? Do I not have rights here?"

"We're not affiliated with the Mafia, Miss Min. We're a completely separate organization."

"Mafia or not, my question still stands."

"Please, Y/N," Pete implored, "just put on the vest and comply. We don't want to anger the Chois."

Without saying another word, you stood up and took the vest from Seonghwa. All three bodyguards proceeded to follow you to the bathroom to change. You wanted to tell them to let you go by yourself, but you knew the rules and that the men would abide by them. Now, only a wall separated you from the guards. At least that single wall provided enough privacy to silently weep out of fear for what was to come.


The vest was the same as Jungkook's—a snug-fitting black tank top that would be virtually undetectable beneath your shirt. Nevertheless, you could tell the vest was made for men because it left no space for a bra, and you ended up having to leave yours on the bathroom floor.

"Ready to go in?" Pete wondered once you reached the door of the meeting room.

"No, but I don't really have a choice, do I?" you responded.

He flashed you an apologetic smile before he and Seonghwa swung the large double doors open. You kept your gaze lowered while you took a cleansing breath. Anxiety pumped through your veins with a vengeance, and you could hear your heart pounding loudly in your ears. Eventually, though, you gained the courage to look up.

Your eyes immediately locked with Jiho's.

Pete, Seonghwa, and Joonwoo bowed to everyone. You bowed too, however, not as deep as the other men did; you weren't going to show these monsters that kind of respect.

"Please have a seat, Y/N," Jungmin requested.

There was an empty chair beside Jungkook that you were forced to sit in. His presence was the last thing you needed after what he did. Jungkook knew how angry you still were with him, so he didn't say anything. He only shot you a quick glance.

Smart boy.

"Min Y/N," Jungmin began, "this is Mr. Choi Jiseok, his wife Hayoon, and of course, Jiho, their son whom you've already been aquatinted with."

You couldn't put your finger on it, but for some reason, Hayoon looked oddly familiar...

"It's great to meet you, Y/N," said Jiseok.

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