A new mission pt.2

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"W-what there's no way...this-this can't be true." What is it Koru, what's wrong!?" Tanjiro yelled. Koru saw saw something horrifying, and they thought it was a dream...but it wasn't. The boys looked in the direction she was looking in saw her sister trapped under some rubble bleeding out"Sister please save me...Please".

"Please tell me that demon isn't Mashi ?!" She screamed out.
Tanjiro and inosuke rushed ahead to try to pull you sister out while you and zenitsu stood there and watched them.
You knew you shouldn't just be standing there, but your body said otherwize.

"Hey you two stop standing there and go find the other demon that Tomioka-San was talking about!" Tanjiro yelled.

(1st POV)

I suddenly woke up from the trance I were in and started moving,I don't know how but I am. Zenitsu runs after me yelling, because he doesn't want to be left alone.

You both run off to find the demon,and to your surprise the demon came to you. Zenitsu looked terrified,I  just stood there staring at the demon.....

Then I held my arms out asking he demon to come closer than it already was, to my surprise it came closer and hugged me"Sister....."the demon whispered in my ear just loud enough to where zenitsu could hear it too.

I looked at zenitsu shocked, he gave me the same look back. Then suddenly to our surprise nezuko was there on zenitsu's back. Zenitsu was the first one to notice her, then he tapped me and turned around to show her latched on to his back.

My brother[aka the demon] suddenly jumped away from me looking at nezuko afraid, as if she did something to him.I turn around to find Nezuko growing at him,but after a little she stopped. I looked at my brother and did a sibling telepathy thing, then he nodded. "Hey Zenitsu is it ok if me and him talk for a bit?" I asked. "Yea It's fine I guess I'll go to find tanjiro and inosuke then"He replies. "Alright then see ya!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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