Cabbage Patch Magic

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Rose woke up in her bed and she admires one particular doll inside an old cradle. The doll is cute and baby-like, with painted features, has brown skin, curly black hair, and it's dressed in a pretty gown and has a tiara on her curly hair. Meanwhile, in Park middle school, the teacher arrived in class as Anna and the entire class sat in their seats.

"Class, do you know what time it is?" asked the teacher.

"No." Anna said shaking her head.

"Today is health class, which means, Nurse Posey will teach today." The teacher said as a fairy in a nurse uniform arrived.

"Class, today, we will discuss the changes that you will all experience as you grow up from child to adult." Nurse Posey said.

"AWWW!!!!!" The whole class groaned.

"I think I have been there since my first time of the month was a couple months ago." Anna said quietly to herself.

The school nurse started teaching the class all about the changes that some of them experienced and reminded them that their parents also undergo it when they were their age.

"Been there, done that. Man, it was a wild ride." Anna said quietly to herself.

"For an assignment, you will learn how to be responsible." Nurse Posey said as she used her magic to make real cabbages appear before the students.

"Don't they do that in high school?" Anna asked.

"It is not too early to learn the lesson of responsibility, treat these cabbages with love and care as if they are your children." Nurse Posey answered.

"Oh." Anna said quietly.

"And if anything happens to your cabbage, it will affect your grade as well." Nurse Posey warned them. "You can either form a pair or go solo."

Back at the Lightfoot Family's home, Abby and Jessica are playing on their video game system.

"I'm beating you, dear sister!" Abby said.

"Oh no you're not, you have two lives left and I still have three." Jessica said.

"That's what you think." Abby smirked.

Abby's character picks up a container which had an NPC, then the NPC starts attacking Jessica's character and knocks the character offscreen.

"Abby!!!!!" growled Jessica.

"20 minutes later..." said the French Narrator.

"I'm going to beat you!!" Jessica shouted.

"Like this?" Abby asked.

Her character picks up a container which had an NPC, then the NPC starts attacking Jessica's character and knocks the character offscreen. Abby starts laughing while Jessica is ready about to scream.

"Game! Isabelle wins!!!" said the TV.

"That's not fair, real smashers don't play with assist trophies!!!" Jessica yelled.

"Calm down Jessica, it's just a game." Abby chuckled as she picked up her phone.

"Do you want me to call mom?" Abby asked.

"No!!!" Jessica shouted as she started tackling Abby to grab the phone out of her hand.

"Stop, get off me. Please I have mercy!" Abby said laughing and screaming at the same time.

Soon they heard the door from the mudroom opening and Anna came into the house taking off her backpack and lanyard, holding a basket with a cabbage.

"Oh goody, Anna's home!" Abby said, getting up from the floor.

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