- His favorite place to kiss you -

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- F I N N E Y -

• Cheek.

• Finney lives kissing your cheek, he thinks its the best thing he can do in public without people thinking its weird.

• You also blush when he first did it, so now he does it all the time.

• He'll kiss you on the cheek any chance he has. Whether it be him saying hello or goodbye, or even just a random time of the day.

• You do not mind at all. You live when he kisses your cheek. You think its cute.

- R O B I N -

• Your lips.

• Robin adores your lips.

• He loves your smile, he loves when you laugh, when you talk, when you do literally anything involving your lips.

• He doesn't care if anyone sees, he'll kiss you when he feels like it.

• Your lips are his absolute favorite feature on you. Along with your eyes.

- V A N C E -

• Your neck.

• Vance literally attacks your neck every chance he gets. 

• He would kiss you on the neck all day long if he could.

• PDA is a big thing for Vance, so he'd definitely make out infront of everyone just to feel his lips against your neck.

• He can't help himself. Even when you're sleeping together he'll bury his face in your neck and place soft kisses on it throughout the night.

- B R U C E -

• Hand.

• Your hand are his absolute favorite part to kiss.

• Its how he shows affection when you guys are around people, as he is too shy to kiss you on the lips.

• He also thinks its "gentlemanly" to do it.

• He'll kiss your hand all the time. Its his favorite thing to do in the day.

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