New beginnings

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It's the next day and I'm very tired, the boys just decided to stay with me and the girls so when I wake up I can hear Blaise snoring near the end of my bed.

I slowly get out of bed and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Yesterdays events are still replaying in my head.

I cannot believe that even after I'm done Hogwarts I'm still stuck with my parents, in a whole new country.

I've been to France like twice, but I was too young to remember it.

I don't even know how long I'm going to be there for.

Are we moving there full time ?
Am I ever going to be able to come back here ? I honestly wouldn't be shocked if my parents forgot out my friends, they barely remember Andrea's name and she's my best friend.

I need to stop thinking about that.
Think of something else Isobel


Ugh really brain, you think of him? Seriously?

Actually, I should be thinking about him, more specifically what he said yesterday before my father came.

And that he wants to be friends with me.

My head still can't comprehend the fact it was him to ask because to be honest I always thought I'd be the one to break, and that I'd be one to say we should stop our feud.

The real question was though, do I want to ? .

I feel like even if we weren't enemies I'd still argue with him, because he really is annoying, before him and mattheo became " friends " him and the rest of the boys would constantly talk and just mess in class, and it's always annoyed me so much.

Like why do people really think it's fun to disrupt class and anger the teacher ?.

Malfoy has always been irritating, so if I choose to end this with him, it's probably going to take a long time until I can actually start liking him.

This feud  really did happen over noting.
Well not noting, our families hate each other, but other than that most of our bickering was just to annoy each other, we rarely brought up our families and who was more " powerful ".

But that is what we would do in first and second year, but then It just changed after that.

I feel like I could actually try to be friends with him.

Never thought I'd say that.

Im cut off with my thoughts with a knock on the bathroom door

" Isobel ? I need to brush my teeth hurry up " I hear Andrea say as she's banging on the door

" okay okay, calm down I'm leaving now " I say laughing as I finish brushing my teeth and open the door

" is anyone else awake ? "

" nope, which is why I want to get in there, molly takes to long in there " she says as she walks past me and quickly closes the door

I just laugh

I quickly get changed and put my hair up in a bun with a claw clip and just go down to get my breakfast.

When I get to the Great Hall I notice that Malfoy is there on his own.
He looks very lost in thought

I need to talk to him

I walk over to him and sit directly in front of him, he slowly moves his gaze to mine and just says " what ?"

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟(𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦)Where stories live. Discover now