Chapter Thirty Four

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Riddikulus, a silly word for a silly spell. Easy for some to do, but for others, like Draco, it was impossible. He could never picture anything funny from his worst fears. It was too much for him. All he could grip his hair as the pain of seeing Hermione dead over took him.

Cutting through his pain came a dreamy voiced shout. None other than Luna Lovegood had shouted the spell changing Hermione dead to something humorous he didn't see. Rushing over, Luna helped him to his feet. "She's alive Draco." Her small now bloody face was looking up at him with concern.

Hermione was alive. Draco had faced the boggart and lost again. The first time, Professor Lupin had to save him from the empty cold room, but now it changed. Draco's worse fear was seeing Hermione in pain or dead. "Thank you." Draco said which didn't surprise Luna. She knew who the real Draco was. The one that loved Hermione.

Hiss! Nagini lunged at Ron who had gotten stuck between the rubble. Coming to his rescue, Hermione fired a fire spell and the snake recoiled immediately. Nagini was the final horcrux but they had no way to kill her. Voldemort had destroyed the basilisk fang and there was no time to go and retrieve another.

Hermione rushed to pull Ron up but the snake took her chance. Fangs out, Nagini lunged at the pair. Hermione heard the sound of slashing air. Brown eyes shot up to see Neville wielding the sword of Gryffindor. In one swipe it cut through the snakes head and she crumbled to dust.

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