Chaos n food

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Florida scared off his first therapist. He thought things where going well but then they quit after one of their sessions. He was devastated and kept to himself for a while until the other states where able to cheer him up and help him get a new therapist if he ever wanted to try again.

California, Louisiana, and Nevada all work at the same club but they didn't know the others worked there for a while, all taking different days if they week.  Now they help cover for each other at the statehouse and help with creeps at work.

Utah has arachnophobia.

California actually bought a bottle of Pink Sauce and a lot of the stares tried it. More then half of them got food poisoning and Alabama threw up on Florida.

(Now a small scene based off of irl)
Washington: No- someone take Californias lighter-why do they have a lighter-
California: *lighter lit in hand, looking at it happily*
Oregon: *blows flame out*
California: D: *sad Californian noise as the lighter isn't turning back on now*


I feel like Louisiana and Kansas, when bored, would just go out and crash peoples weddings for fun, usually people in their state governments or weddings that those people are going to-
But idk

During fire season California gets a bad cough- like- a bad one- smoke comes out and he even coughed up blood once. And cough drops don't help.

Maryland likes sea shanties. No one knows why but they do.

Washington doesn't like being mixed up with Washington DC (Alaska only knows their names and not who they are as personifications, and until the Stardew Farm Florida thought they where the same person)

"If Florida was an animal he'd be a goat because they both eat everything"
This has been drunk thoughts with Nevada.

Surprisingly, out of all the states California is the only one that drinks boba

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