𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝

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Your age: 6 months, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15.

Summary: Sibling moments with you, Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy.

A/n: in this one you're going to be a professional at martial arts.


1. "Have a look at your little sister, boys." Nikki smiled, having brought you home for the first time. Paddy was a little confused, considering he was only two years old. Harry and Sam both took a great fascination towards you, and were swooning over how cute you were, Tom doing the same. They all looked at each other at that precise moment, a silent agreement passing through them which said they'd protect you no matter what.

2. You were five years old, and playing with Paddy on the couch, when all of a sudden it became a wrestling match filled with screams and shouts of 'mum!!'. Harry groaned and with Sam's help managed to separate the pair of you. 

"What happened here?" Tom laughed as he entered.

"She was breathing on me! And she kicked me!" Paddy whined. 

"He poked me!" You frowned, kicking at him. 

"You both need to start getting along!" Scowled Harry. "It's starting to get annoying." 

All you could do is frown and turn away from your scowling brother. 


"I have chocolate." You simply said, sitting on Paddy's bed. He grinned and caught you in a light headlock, ruffling your hair. You squealed and tried getting out of his grip, but he stopped to kiss your forehead. 

"Sorry, N/n." He smiled, breaking the chocolate exactly in half, using a ruler he had next to his bed. 

You both lay asleep together later, having eaten a whole extra large bar of chocolate under the covers with a flashlight on.

3. 10-year-old you stormed into the house after your kickboxing tournament, having lost badly. Only Nikki and Dominic could be there, because the twins had an exam, Paddy was at his friend's house, and Tom was busy filming. 

"How was the fight?" Asked Harry, looking up from his notes when you flopped down on his bed, annoyed. 

"Absolutely shitty." Your muffled voice replied. "Lost 6 to 0. Finals." 

Sam and Harry both leapt into bed next to you, talking to you and trying to lift your spirits. 

"Guys," you groaned, "I appreciate you all trying to make me feel better, but I have a headache. So no talking, please."

Tom walked in with an ice pack, and Paddy handed you one of his hoodies, which you burrowed into before placing the ice pack on the back of your head. 

The rest of the day was spent with you cuddled up with your older brothers, watching comedy movies.

4. You were on your way to a friend's house, and Tom was walking with you at the time. All of a sudden, the pair of you were mobbed by paparazzi, who kept asking you if you were still doing martial arts, and if you were single, classic pap questions. Your grip on Tom's hand grew stronger, but you snapped when a pap grabbed your arm. 

You snapped, "Let go of me!" before delivering a quick and powerful kick at his jaw. You were a reasonably tall 11 year old, and that made it all the better to nearly break his jaw. Tom lifted you clean off the ground and shoed the paps away, whispering reassurances to you.

The very next day, an article popped up on the boys' social media, which talked about how no paparazzi can mess with Y/n Holland.

5. You were on your period. Nikki and Dom were on a business trip, and you were home alone with your brothers. You'd woken up, feeling like shit, when you saw a stain on your pants as well as the bed. 

You were putting the bloodstained things in for a wash, when Tom walked up to you. "Doing laundry?" He asked. 

"What does it look like, idiot?" You snapped, frowning. You doubled over in pain as a wave of cramps hit you like a truck. Tom's eyes went wide as he thought, 'oh shit' before dashing up the stairs. 

"BOYS, Y/N IS ON HER PERIOD!" He clapped and announced. 

"I'll get the chocolate and snacks!" Harry and Paddy said, grabbing the car keys.

"I'll get the pads." Sam rushed out with them.

"One blanket burrito in front of the television with a hot water bag coming right up." Tom replied.

Within twenty minutes, you were seated on the couch, burritoed in a blanket with a heating pad and snacks. 

You were feeling like shit, but it was so worth it.

5. You exited your boyfriend's house, slamming the door shut only after you yelled a loud 'fuck you' to him. You walked home, exhausted and upset. Once you entered, Paddy immediately noticed how upset you were. 

"What's wrong, N/n?" He asked, putting an arm over your shoulder. 

"Casper cheated on me." You frowned, wiping your tears away furiously. Harry and Sam walked in at that precise moment, the latter of whom asked, "Casper cheated on you?"

"CASPER CHEATED ON YOU?!" Harry gasped. Zendaya and Tom rushed down from upstairs, screeching, "CASPER CHEATED ON YOU!!?"

"Oh for god's sake, YES HE DID. I'm sure the whole neighbourhood heard you!" You scoffed. 

Zendaya hugged you tightly and told Tom she'd be going, because it seemed like a sibling moment was about to take place. 

Tom stalked over to the keybowl and took out his van keys. "Get in the van." He said. "All of you." 

You all drove to Casper's house, the only sound being Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy's furious muttering and death threats. 

"Boys, it's fine. I'll get over it--" You said, but Paddy shushed you, "Shush, Y/n. It has been our sworn duty to protect you since the day you were born. This is that moment."

You all reached his house, and you knocked on the door. Casper opened it to see four very furious boys at his door, with you standing between them front and center.

"Don't fuck with a girl who has four older brothers." You scowled, punching him square in the nose. Paddy sent a solid right hook to Casper's jaw, sending him staggering backwards. "That's for cheating." Paddy added. An even more solid left hook from Sam nearly knocked him out. "And that's for lying." You snickered.

"Come near Y/n ever again, and you won't live to see another day." Tom said, stepping in front of you protectively. "Understood?"

"Yes sir." Said Casper, nursing his bleeding nose wit his hand before slamming the door shut. 

"Well, I'd say that went well." You chuckled, shaking your hand where your scarred and bruised knuckles were throbbing from the sheer strength of the punch. 

"I'm hungry for pizza." Admitted Tom. "Anyone want pizza?" 

A chorus of 'me' came out from everyone, and you had to admit, that was an extremely interesting end to your day.

Older brothers. 

The best. 

No cap.

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