'Jane's' first day

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Today is the very first day that Jane goes to Hawkins Middle School with Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, and even Max. She hasn't seen them in a little while, she didn't miss the strangers she just met. She waited by the front doors of Hawkins Middle with Hopper, then the four boys and Max appeared a little later at the doors too. I guess all of them were a little early to show up to school. She fiddled with her feet since she was a little nervous so she turned towards Hopper.
"Um, sir, what do I say what my name is?" She asked tugging on Hopper's shirt. He kneeled down and whispered in her ear, "Say that your name is Jane Hopper," She nodded after he told her. Mike and the others started to walk toward her. "Oh, hello Sheriff Hopper," Mike said nervously. Hopper moved Eleven slightly behind him, "What do you want Wheeler?" He asked Mike.
Mike didn't say anything just kept glancing at Eleven. "You are probably making her uncomfortable with all that glancing boy," Hopper said to him. I chuckled because it was probably true. "Are you okay if she stays with me, Sheriff?" I asked Hopper. Hopper just looked at me up and down, "Since you are a girl Max, I'll trust you two together, and keep this Wheeler boy away from her please, I don't need any trouble with them"
I nodded and took her hand when the bell rang. We all went inside including Hopper. Our teacher looked at him puzzled, "Um, Sheriff, whatcha doing in here?" "Well, you know, just dropping off my little Janey," He says looking at Eleven with a smile. She smiled too, I suppose she feels with him. The teacher chuckles, "Oh is that her name? Janey?" "No, her name is Jane, I just call her my Janey for a cutesy," Hopper says with a small aggravated smile.
"Just make sure she is getting the information you are teaching her, okay?" Hopper asked the teacher. The teacher nodded and Hopper told the other teachers about 'Jane's learning there. They all understood.
The first four classes were exhausting, but 'Jane' was wide awake writing stuff down, and the fifth bell rang. It was lunchtime, I take her hand again and go through Lunch protocols with her. We got out to lunch and sat down with the guys who were just talking DnD, nothing surprising. She scuffed down her food so I guess she was hungry. "You're hungry aren't ya?" I asked her making her nod.
A group of people walks up to both of us with a creepy grin toward Eleven. She didn't seem bothered, she just kept eating like normal. The group tried taking her tray and she smacked their hands away. They looked at her so surprised that she did that. "Get your own food, silly people," She says making her way to her apple.
They kept trying to take her tray but she kept yanking it back. Even she threatens to put her spoon in one of their eyes if they don't stop trying to take her food away. It was hilarious hearing her say that aloud.

A's note: We know that El had bullies in California so why not Hawkins? That's a little twist we wanted to add in here so that little incident turns into a 'little' { and we mean a massive :) } food fight in the cafeteria.
'Jane' took her pie and smeared it on one of the girl's shirts with a smile. "There I offered you some so now can you leave me be?" The girl grew angry and cursed her out, and she just there smiling proud of herself. I mean she did kind of share her pie. I'm surprised that her Mikey ain't coming to save her.

A's note: This next chapter is going to be a short one but it's going to be so fun and messy so get reeeaaaddyyyy :0 / :)

When I First Met UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora