-33- Drunk 🔥

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"Rose?? What's wrong??" Phoenix sits beside me resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Nothing. Just a stupid bitch named Victoria. She's getting inside my head." I sob. I talk to Phoenix about my problems often so opening up to her isn't exactly hard.

I don't even lift my head to look at her, I'm so embarrassed of how I'm reacting to her words. My knees damp with tears as I'm balled up hugging myself for comfort.

"What ever she said, it's worthless her words don't mean shit! She's probably just jealous, I mean look at you, who isn't?" They always knew how to make me feel better.

I wipe my eyes, calming down It takes a couple of minutes but eventually I'm back to my regular self. (With some makeup touch ups)
"Thanks Fee." I wrap her in a hug.
"Anytime doll! Now go get that eye candy I saw you dancing with and get yourself a drink, on the house." She winks pulling me up to my feet and walking with me to the bar.

"Oi Big Boy! Two shots of scotch STAT!" They yell at one of the bartenders and shortly later  we are toasting to each other and downing scotch like there's no tomorrow.

"Hey flower, easy there." Ares joins us.
"That's my queue. Catch ya later girl. I'm on in like 10." I wave at them as they vanish into the crowd once again.

"Rose!!" Cameron joins me and Ares at the bar.
"You good? Don't listen to that bitch ok? You're in no way a whore or a slut or whatever other names she decides to call you."
"My thought exactly." Ares chimes in.
"I'll be fine. Hey, can I grab a round of shots for the table?" I ask the bartender, Dave I think his name is.

"Help me carry these, boys?"

It hits sunrise and I'm having the time of my life, I lost count of my drinks around midnight but it's just a number who cares. We got ushered out of the bar about 3 hours ago when Eden threw a glass at some man for looking at her funny.

Now we have vacated to Ares' house where we continue getting drunk. The room spins as I laugh at something that someone said. I'm not even sure what's going on anymore.

"Want a hit?" A joint is offered and although it is blurry and won't stay in one place who can say no. I take the joint and take a big long drag before handing it back to whoever gave it too me.

Suddenly the lights are dimming and everything is falling backwards, or is that me? Am I falling backwards? A strong pair of arms wrap around me as black begins to cloud my vision.

"I've got you flower." I'm fine. Ace has got me. I'm safe in Ace's arms.
"Thanks... Ace..."  the black takes over my vision and all my thoughts are gone as it takes over my body as well.

*** Currently listening: Psycho killer by talking heads

"Where the fuck have you two been?!" Ace's loud voice causes the pounding in my head to intensify.

"Stop. Shouting. We just went out ok?" Eden slurs, still a little tipsy as she walks past Ace, patting him on the chest before vanishing somewhere in the house.

"Are you drunk??????" It's not a question. It's a threat. Ace is threatening me. I can't deal with this right now. I stumble towards the room where I've been sleeping, I just need to rest. Maybe some Panadol too...
He grabs my wrist before I have the chance to get past him.

"What the fuck Rose. You can't just disappear without telling me where you are going!"
"It's fine. You're practically a stalker just look on your cameras or something."
"I can't look at my cameras when I didn't even know you were gone! I thought you were training with E so I went to my office."

"I was training with Eden. Then we got bored and went clubbing." I shrug trying to free my arm from his cold grasp.
"You didn't think to call? Or leave a message. A text even?!"

"Ok I get it. Don't have fun. Tell mr grumpy if you're going out. Noted. Now let me go."
"Don't make me punish you darling."
"Aw Acey is gonna spank me I'm so scared."
I pretend to shake, quivering my lip. His grip on my wrist slightly tightens and his expression darkens. Non-verbally he says to me keep going see what happens.

"Aw Acey is all riled up." I pout. My free hand gropes him between the legs where he's obviously large... and hard. Always hard.
"Leave me alone. I'm going to sleep." I yank my arm away while he's caught off guard and jog towards my room.

"Don't think this is over little girl!" He calls after me but he doesn't chase me which causes a grin on my face. I'm free.


Or so I thought. Not long later I'm pulled from my sleep as the sound of my door slamming startles me. Suddenly I'm sober, even if my head is still pounding.

"I said leave me alone Ace. I don't want to play your stupid game today." I groan pulling the covers over my head as well as a pillow.
"Oh Mi Amore. You have so much to learn."

He yanks the blanket and with one swift movement it's completely off of me exposing my body. My body which just happens to be naked.

"What the fuck!?" I sit up slamming my fists on the bed. "What's your fucking problem."
"Well first of all, that fucking attitude." He sits himself on the edge on my bed.

"I'm not a fucking dog." I grumble crossing my arms.
"Shall I get the leash?" He jokes "or are you going to do what I fucking say?" I don't move. My naked body exposed for him to see, his obvious hard on tenting his pants with no shame.

"I see." He stands and walks off closing the door behind him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Grab my blanket and return to my comforting rest.

Not even a couple of seconds later I'm interrupted yet again by the door opening and closing but this time I hear the click of the lock and heavy footsteps travelling to the side of my bed. I don't bother opening my eyes, I'm comfortable and I do not wish to move.

That is until his hands wrap around my neck fastening what feels like a belt around my neck.
A collar. A swift yank from the attached chain and I'm once again sitting up.

"Ever seen one of these before?" Ace holds up a paddle, I've seen a paddle before but this one is different. It has holes in it. I shake my head.
"Perfect." He yanks my collar yet again and I'm pulled off the bed and onto the plush carpet beneath me, landing on my stomach.

"What the fuck?!" Smack. Fuck that stings like a bitch. "Lean on the bed, ass up. Or don't up to you slut." Not going to lie this whole situation has me dripping beyond compare.
I don't move a muscle, curiosity getting the better of me.

Another yank to the collar and I'm forced up, arching my back. I place my hands on the ground and I'm in a position similar to that of a yoga instructor.

"Hands and knees." He commands and I comply, slightly scared of the paddle in his hand. He spanks me again regardless.
"What do you say slut?" He asks
"Thank you sir. May I have another."
"So needy." He tuts, smacking my ass with the paddle once more. The sting intensifying the knot in my stomach, I squeeze my thighs together in hopes of releasing the pressure.

Once again I'm being yanked by the collar around my neck this time towards the door.
"Crawl. Since you're so desperate to be a little slut you can show everyone how wet you are."
Fucking hell most people would find that a turn off, but the humiliation does nothing more than add to the wetness between my legs.

Crawling down the hallway, my knees stinging as we make it to another door. A door I have not been though before.

"You see that weird looking stool? Your going to lean over that and I'm going to tie you too it. You're getting 50 hits and I expect you to thank me for every. Single. One. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

Not edited
Do y'all want more spice or should I cut it off here?? Let me know!!
Ily xx

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