Chapter 94: Prop Hunt

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The color red flashed throughout the whole facility. Moving in a small unit of five, a group of guards ran throughout the corridors of the facility. From what reports have said, their target was non-human.

Guard 1: Captain, where do you think the suspect has run off to?

Fiddling with the magic communication device in his hand, one of the five individuals looked towards the front where a tall man wearing a black uniform stood. With long black hair and sharp brows, the man was the leader of the group.

Captain: I'm not too sure for myself. All we know is that the target seems to be non-human.

Guard 2: Do you think he has already escaped?

Captain: That's Impossible.

The moment the alarms rang, the whole facility shut down. The exit was also blocked by multiple guards. If the said target had already escaped, they would've known by now.

Guard 2: Then where do you-


All of a sudden, cutting the guard off, a massive explosion reverberated throughout the whole facility, startling everyone.

Guard 3: What the!?!?!

Guard 4: What the hell is going on?!

The moment the explosion rang, the whole facility shook.

Captain: Quick, let's go!

Looking at his squad members, the captain's face turned solemn. Motioning with his hands, he rushed towards the direction where the explosion came from. Following from behind, the squad members took out their enchanted melee weapons.

Moving through the corridors of the facility, it didn't take long for them to get near the area where the explosion originated from.

Injured Guard 1:

Injured Guard 2: Ghhh...

Turning right into another corridor, they could faintly hear the sound of pained groans coming from the distance.

Captain: Go go go!

Exchanging glances with one another, the guards sped up. Soon, turning left of another corridor, they arrived at the scene. The moment they turned the corridor and looked at the after-effects of the explosion, the guards couldn't help but frown slightly.

With smoke filling the air, over five similarly dressed guards laid on the floor passed out. Limbs and blood were splattered all over the ground, depicting a gruesome scene.

Staring at the injured guards on the floors, one of the guards pointed towards the right side of their clothes where a large number '231' was imprinted.

Guard 2: Captain, it looks to be the 231th unit.

There were many patrol units in this facility. There were a total of 300 units, and each unit consisted of five individuals, each led by one Captain. Currently, the guards that had just arrived were from the third unit.

Guard 2: What do you suggest we do?

Staring at the injured guards from the 231th unit, the captain promptly replied.

Captain: Help the injured.

Guard 2: Bu-

Captain: I know, but we've got to approach this more carefully. If there's any one of them that can still talk amongst the injured, question them and ask them how the suspect looks like and his/her approximate strength...basically anything that can help.

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