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I went home alone to learn that Aiden had disappeared without informing Ate Ria. Alex stayed in the park after I told him that his brother's at my place but I guess it was the right decision for him to stay there since Aiden is not here anymore.

He could've stayed— or not. Well, Alex told me that Aiden has feelings for me and I believe that I needed to hear that from him not for assurance but for confirmation. I was bothered when Gwen mentioned something about Aiden loving me and the fact that Xylem kept teasing us whenever we're together. That all make sense now.

How can he catch feelings for someone like me who doesn't even stood out from the crowd? There are tons of gorgeous ladies in our previous school so why did he choose me? Andrea wants him back and this girl Leigh keeps messaging him as if she was willing to give up everything just for him.

What Alex did was wrong when he turned his back on us just so he can be forgiven for his mistake to his twin. However, he has reasons and I had forgiven him because I know how hard it is to hide the painstaking truth to someone you love. He needs to settle this one on his own now without Andrea pretending to be his girlfriend or his kindness out of guilt towards Aiden.

My eyes squinted as I halted when I saw a familiar car outside of our house. I've seen this vehicle before at school and if I'm not mistaken this one is owned by...


He went out of the backseat and turned to me when he heard me calling out his name.

"Good morning, Brooke. Is Aliah here?" He plastered a warm smile and stood up straight beside his car while carrying a pink paper bag on his right hand.

I nodded my head and went to the gate to open it. "She's inside. I guess she's still eating her breakfast."

"Oh, Vangie informed me that her sister is staying at your place so I figured I'd visit. I bought her her favorite assorted cupcakes." He sure is excited to see her.

When I first saw him at the Ignacio Residence, he looked and sounded formal as if he was forming a distance between us, but now he's friendlier and a bit kind. Perhaps he doesn't want to see Evangeline getting jealous of other girls. He doesn't need to worry about me though.

The fifteen seconds walk to the pathway leading to the front door of the house was quiet, not until I opened the door and Aliah rushed to Dexter with her eyes wide opened and her little mouth hung in surprise.

"I missed you, Kuya Dexter! Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?! Did Ate Evangeline tell you I was here?"

Dexter chuckled while hugging her back with the same energy. "I missed you too. Yes, your Ate informed me that you're here that's why I'm here to give you this."

He showed her the box inside the paper bag and she beamed in excitement. "No way! Thank you, Kuya Dexter! You're the best!" Aliah hugged him once more and made her way to the kitchen to eat the cupcakes.

Dexter is still crouching on the floor as his gaze followed Aliah inside the kitchen. He really cares for her as if they were siblings. Evangeline is quite harsh with Aliah so I suppose that's the reason why Dexter is doing his best to give her what she deserves.

"Thank you for doing this, Brooke. For letting her stay here with you and Ate Ria." He uttered as he stood up and began polishing his now crumpled pants.

I simply shrugged my shoulders. "Aliah is like a little sister to me so I don't mind having her here for three days. Plus, I want to know how it feels like to have an active youngster brightening up this dull place." My eyes automatically roamed around the interior of the house after saying all that.

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