liv. no more secrets

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chapter fifty-four
no more secrets

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  There's something inhumane about hearing someone beg you to spare their life while you have the bargaining power. It was down to you to determine how much time they had left in their existence. And you suddenly find yourself in the position of a God who reigns over life and death.

Please... please! Please, let me... let-let me live. Please. Please.

The words rumbled in their head, stuck on repeat like a broken record, and every time it passed her mind she couldn't picture anything other than her eyes. Brown with spots of black in them, like tiny chocolate chips, and they were wide, pure, and innocent, drawn to the rim with glistening tears while all shades of terror flashed before them.

You're a monster.

The sound of bones snapping like twigs echoed in her mind, and she felt colder.

You're a monster!

In her ears, she could hear a boy's cries. He was young and weak and reminded her so much of herself that it felt like she was peering into a nightmarish mirror. He was frightened of everything and wanted nothing more than his mother's comfort, warmth, and voice to take him out of whatever nightmare he was living.


Rue jolts awake. She's gasping for air as if it was robbed from her lungs, and there's a thin layer of cold sweat sticking to her skin. Her brain is throbbing against her skull, and her world spins in circles. The blurry image of Nancy Wheeler's basement slowly comes to focus, and Rue has to swallow the bile that threatens to crawl up her throat.

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