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~No One's POV~

"I hope you've learned one thing from our encounter"

Takumi slowly looked up at the pinkette as blood poured out of his mouth. "I told you that I wanted a souvenir but this thing is so filthy, you can have it back" he mused as he tossed the severed tongue on the ground besides Takumi.

Takumi shut his mouth in an attempt to stop himself from losing so much blood but it was proving to be useless. "Do you have anything else to say-.....oh wait!" Sanzu began laughing at his own twisted joke.

Sanzu slowly stood up before looking over at the unconscious H/C haired girl. "I think i'll just leave you here to bleed to death" he stated as he began walking over to Y/N.

He kneeled down besides her and lifted her arm up before hoisting her over his shoulder. "If you'll excuse me" he mused as he sent one more glance towards the "mess" that he had made before leaving the room.

He made it outside and spotted his car in the distance, he hadn't gotten the chance to take the keys out of the car because he was immediately ambushed by the other two men.

He opened up the door on the passengers side and placed Y/N inside before placing her seatbelt on. After shutting the door, he made his way around to the other side and got in.

The clothes that he was wearing had blood stained on them but he didn't necessarily care.

Takumi had smashed his phone as soon as they made it inside of the empty motel, so he didn't have a cellular at the moment. Sanzu looked over at Y/N and reached over before grabbing her phone from inside of her pocket, those guys hadn't even thought about destroying hers.

He had seen her put in her password a couple of times so he just copied what he had seen and it unlocked.

He went into her contacts before typing in Kokonoi's phone number but it went straight to voicemail.

"Damn it" he muttered before putting the car into drive and driving off.

Sanzu glanced over at Y/N as he began nudging her in the arm. "You okay?" he questioned as he began pinching her cheeks. The girl stirred a bit before slowly opening up her eyes "My head hurts....."

His eyes landed on the blood on her forehead and he sighed before pulling the car over.

He looked around his car before grabbing his jacket from the backseat. He reached over and tilted her head towards him before slowly dabbing away at the blood with the sleeve of his jacket. "What.....happened?"

𝓢. 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓾𝓬𝓱𝓲𝔂𝓸 {𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂∙𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓵}Where stories live. Discover now