15) Molester

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"Your future."

The intensity in his voice and the way he spoke those two words left Chandni stunned.

A gust of fear passed through her mind.

The words sounded like a promise. Like he was going to keep his words and someday make it true.

"You are a psycho!!" She clenched out the words and tried her best to free her hands from his hold but it was of no use.

The man whom she now knows as Shivoham Shekhawat was strong as a volcano.

He was grasping her with only one arm still it was enough for him to torment her, cage her.

"Leave me you bastard. What the hell do you want from me !" She asked, buried under him.

"You," he whispered and with a single click turned off the lighter.

Chandni gasped. More than the darkness, his words scared her.

Why does he want her? She didn't even know this man. He was a psycho, a drunkard and definitely a molester.

The smell of his cologne mixed with alcohol was burning her senses. Turning her face to one side Chandni tried to save herself from his ugly smell but everything was fruitless as he got more close to her.

"What is in you that I could not stop thinking about you? I have fucked hundred of girls but no one resided in my mind like you did. Who are you ? Why are you doing this to me," he whispered, with every word getting closer to her lips.

Chandni cringed from inside when his lips came near to hers,"No!!" she cried silently in the dark room.

But Shivoham Shekhawat was in a trance. He was in a trance of her, her beauty, her eyes and her fragrance. That fucking smell of her, so exotic and sweet. The smell of lemon and sweetness.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath near her mouth,"hmm," he whispered.

"I guess it was your smell which is making me insane. I love the way you smell. Your breath is so sweet.I fucking love it," Shivoham was speaking like a maniac against her lips and that was sending Chandni to her edge. She was just one step away from fainting.

Her eyes were burning with pool of new tears as the man trapping her started trailing his lips to her jaw.

Behind those close eyelids she let go of all the silent and speaking tears and gulped down every other cry or sob which was sitting on her lips.

She prayed to her God to save her from getting molested by this drunkard psycho.

Her lips started moving as she whispered the mantras and chalisa (hymns) of goddess durga.

Her mother has always told her that whenever you are scared of something just whisper the name of the greatest goddess Durga and she will take away all your fear and worry and that's exactly what Chandni was doing.

Shivoham was lost in his own world, and continued to kiss on her neck and jaw while she only whispered the goddess name.

Shivoham was blind in intoxication and lust as he kissed over her smooth skin. Her skin was more smooth and soft as he had first presumed. He was feeling like he was kissing feathers as he grazed his lips to every pore of her skin.

However suddenly he stopped when he heard the whispers coming from her.

As he heard those words the light also came back in the room, diluting and overpowering the darkness which had encapsulated it a few seconds ago.

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