The Train (Edited)

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honestly i'm not one for writing stuff up here, i'm not even sure what i'm meant to write up here or even if i have too, oh well who knows haha

Onto the second chapter :P don't forget to comment please


On the morning of September 1, I threw on my only good pair of black jeans, and a red flannel shirt that matched my dirty canvas shoes. It looked decent enough, once I pulled my shoulder-length curls up into a pony tail. 

Daniel was already gone, but I wasn't surprised by it. He had already told me to take the Floo Network to the station, and to let Hooter fly himself to the school. At least i didn't need to carry the cage around. It made no sense to me, him having a connection to the Floo network if he was pretending to be a muggle. Somehow though, he managed to get away with it.

Wandering down the long  train, i was trying not to let out my amazement or my excitement. I'd never even seen a train before; this experience was all new for me. It was scarlet in colour, surrounded by hundreds of families chatting happily, with the occasional mother crying.

I smiled in relief when I spotted an empty compartment and tossed my bag onto the overhead rack before taking a seat. I had never been around this amount of people, simply moving around the platform had been a bit scary, but I knew i would have to get used to it quick. If there was anything i was good at, it was adapting.

A few minutes later a boy with messy black hair and green bespectacled eyes chapped on the door, asking in a quiet voice if he could join me. When I gave him a nod, his face broke out in a smile and two ginger twins helped him lift his trunk up onto the rack. They babbled something about 'Harry Potter' before they were summoned by a woman I guessed was their mother.

But my eyes had drifted over to the boy, was he really Harry Potter, the boy who destroyed Voldemort? Daniel had mentioned him a few times, he hated the Potter boy, but I never really discovered why. I guessed it had something to do with his hiding from the wizarding world and pretending to be a muggle.

 "So you're name's Harry?" I asked

"Yeah," he grimaced

"Cool, I'm Belle Sparrow, nice to meet you."

"You too," he chuckled, then eavesdropped on some conversation outside.

I was more interested in staring at the white owl above Harry's head. She was staring at me in a strange way, like she was trying to see my soul or something. Hooter had done that too, was it an owl thing? 

A ginger boy a bit taller than me or Harry with blue eyes stepped into the compartment not long after the train started moving. Harry and i had been too fascinated by the view to talk.

"Anyone sitting there?" he asked, gesturing to the seat next to Harry, "Everywhere else is full."

Harry and I looked at each other and then shook our heads; the boy grinned and dropped down, pretending not to glance at Harry as he did. I almost laughed but managed to cover it up so i didn't give myself away; after all i had to pretend i came from a muggle background. And no muggle would know about how special one boy was to the wizarding world.

"Hey, Ron," The twins were back, and I came to the conclusion that they and the boy were related, not just because they knew his name but through the hair colour, "Listen, we're going down to the middle of the train - Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."

"Right," Ron mumbled, going pale – probably the spider.

"Harry, did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. Oh hello," he grinned at me, I noticed his eyes were a little darker, so Fred had darker eyes? "And you would be?"

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