Classes, Teachers and Flying (Edited)

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The next chapter has arriiiiiiiiiiiived :P


Ron, Harry and I managed within our first week to find the quickest way to every class, despite the moving staircases and portraits, and I even got to kick that blasted cat Mrs Norris.

Friday morning wasn't good however and as we traipsed into Potions, which we had with my fellow Slytherins, I could feel the depression i usually felt when i crept back into my common room late at night.

I just shrugged it off and poked at the jar of dissected things, giggling as bubbles floated to the top. Snape then decided halfway through the name call to pick on Harry, to Malfoy's amusement.

I was just glad it wasn't only me he reacted to - when he read my name out, he just stared at me like he'd seen a ghost. He had us make up some potion but I didn't pay attention to what I was doing, I let instinct take over. We were meant to be in pairs but I was the odd one out again, happily.

Snape wandered around, pointing out problems with everyone's potions until he came to Malfoy's. He praised it for a few minutes then turned and looked down at mine.

"Well Miss Sparrow i'm glad to see despite your other choices, you have a fine talent for potions," he said, almost in a gentle tone compared to what he used with the other students.

I beamed, ignoring his insult and stuck my tongue out at Malfoy when i spotted his furious look. Then suddenly clouds of acid green smoke and a loud hissing filled the dungeon.

Neville had somehow managed to melt Seamus's cauldron into a twisted blob, and their potion was seeping across the stone floor, burning holes in people's shoes. The poor boy had been drenched in the potion when the cauldron collapsed and was now moaning in agony as angry red boils covered his arms and legs. 

I didn't bother moving, seeing Snape come forward with an irritated expression. He wouldn't intentionally allow his students to get hurt - well, i hoped so.

"Idiot boy!" snarled Snape, clearing the spilled potion away with one wave of his wand. "I suppose you added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire? Take him up to the hospital wing," Snape spat at Seamus.

Then he rounded on Harry and Ron, who had been working next to Neville.

"You - Potter - why didn't you tell him not to add the quills? Thought he'd make you look good if he got it wrong, did you? That's another point you've lost for Gryffindor."

"Cheer up," Ron sighed an hour later as we left the dungeons, "Snape's always taking points off Fred and George. Can I come and meet Hagrid with you?"

"Oh me too!" I exclaimed, and at five to three we left the castle and made our way across the grounds.

Hagrid lived in a small wooden house on the edge of the forbidden forest, we weren't meant to go in there but I wanted to badly. Hagrid also had a large boarhound called Fang who seemed to love Ron; I sat laughing at the red head getting covered in drool the whole time we were there while Harry talked about random stuff. Well it was probably important to him.

Over the next few weeks, I ended up in detention twice, once for slapping Pansy when she commented about my lack of parents, and the second for punching some third year in the face for touching my ass. I was twelve for god's sake.

Malfoy was also being an ass, annoying the three of us without any let up - me being Slytherin didn't take when i hung around with Gryffindors apparently. Then we found out flying started on Thursday, Slytherin and Gryffindor together.

"Typical," Harry muttered darkly, as we ate dinner at the Gryffindor table as always, "Just what I always wanted, to make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy."

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