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It's just gonna be a sweaty gym 
full of drunk, horny teenagers
with hormones that are out of wack.

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The sun was peeking through the curtain covered window. It was a beautiful October day and Clarisa lay in bed, snoring as loud as a pig. Jameson would always tease her about it when they were younger, making Clarisa very self-conscious about her habit.

When she awoke, at first Clarisa had no idea as to where she was. It takes her a couple minutes to realize that she was at her uncle's house. She must've fallen asleep in the car.

Sighing, Clarisa gets up and hops out of bed. She could hear Amanda, her aunt, busy cooking away breakfast in the kitchen. The irresistibly sweet smell of pancakes lures her nose to the kitchen.

"Morning," Clarisa greets with a faint smile. 

"Oh! Good morning, sweetie!" Amanda returns the gesture by enveloping Clarisa into a hug. Amanda was always so sweet and gentle towards the girl and was her number 1 support after her mother.

"I made your favourite, chocolate chip pancakes." Amanda says and Clarisa sends her a grateful smile, setting up the table.

"Oh, Sam and Anthony won't be joining us for breakfast today. Anthony is at a sleepover with his friends and Sam's hanging out with Yasmine and Moon." Amanda tells the girl and she puts back two sets of plates and cutlery.

Clarisa sits at the table, waiting for her food. The savoury smell of pancakes causes her stomach to growl a couple of times. Finally, Amanda brings a stack of pancakes to the table and both girls start eating.

"Ooh, this is too sweet for me. I don't understand how you kids can enjoy it so much," Amanda says and takes a sip of milk. While eating, Daniel also joins the table. Clarisa was not ready to speak to him as she was nervous after the night's events.

"Morning." Daniel smiles and takes a seat next to Clarisa.

"Morning sweetie, um isn't there something you'd like to speak to Clarisa about?" Amanda says, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Actually, there is." Daniel says, grabbing an omelette. 

"Uncle Daniel I didn't know that the dojo was Cobra Kai. My friend, Miguel, he's apart of it. I just- missed doing karate with you and Sam." Clarisa confesses. "If I had known that it was Cobra Kai and Johnny Lawrence was the sensei, I wouldn't have joined. I'm sorry."

𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 - 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙗𝙮 𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙚Where stories live. Discover now