𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐦 // 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐞

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Your age: 10

Summary: When the God Butcher attacks, your mother becomes a supermom and defends you.
...In a mom outfit no less <3

A/n: this is all fluff.

"...And Axel decided that he'd be an idiot and tried to pick me up!! He is indeed my best friend, but he's such a silly boy sometimes!" You laughed, having finished your dinner with Valkyrie. She was listening to you intently, smiling at how happy you were.

"Well, I know Axel is not stupid to try that again," she chuckled, picking up her plate. You followed her to the kitchen with yours, placing it in the sink and rinsing it, before putting it in the dishwasher. "Now I need you to go and get into bed now, princess. I'll be with you in a moment."

You nodded and went to your room, sliding into bed happily.

Val came in soon after, smiling as she tucked a bit of h/c hair behind your ear before kissing your forehead. "I'll see you in the morning, okay, princess?" She asked.

"Okay, mama." You smiled. Despite having the same accent as you mother, you still insisted on calling her 'mama' when no one was around, even though you were ten years old. Val didn't mind, though.

Once she'd tucked you in, she bade you goodnight and closed the door.

That same night, you had a nightmare, which made you jolt awake. You dashed to your mother's room and curled up into her side, making her chuckle in half-sleep as she put an arm around you.

A loud crash was heard outside, one which sounded like thunder and lightning, which woke you up again.

You poked your mother sleepily and said, "Mama turn the volume low, please."

"I can't right now, princess. It's something I can't control." She mumbled.

A scream from somewhere woke her up nicely, sending her also into a frenzy of panic. Grabbing her sword, she ran outside, hastily telling you to stay put.

After a little while, you heard some creaking noises, which scared the living daylights out of you. Grabbing a dagger from Val's nightstand, you crept out of the house.

Everything was chaos. Fires burned everywhere, and monsters behind your imagination emerged from nowhere. Your 10-year-old mind couldn't comprehend what was happening, and it sent you into a slight frenzy of panic.

A shadow grabbed at you all of a sudden, and you screamed for your mom. "MAMA!" You yelped, trying to stab away the demon.

Within seconds, Val had ripped you from the demon, and was holding you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "Mama's here," She said, leaning against an illuminated wall, "Don't worry I've got you."

You clung to her shirt and didn't let go, till she said, "Mama's going to be right back, okay? Just give me a second."

Within seconds she was indeed back, and  managed to keep you in the house safely once the God Butcher was gone.

--Time Skip--

"You know, I've got a traumatised child here, so I'd appreciate it if you kept your voices down." Valkyrie raised an eyebrow, as she came out of the kitchen, where you were sitting, staring at your food.

Thor and Jane paused their bickering when they heard a very un-Valkyrie voice, which was soft and motherly. They watched as she tried getting you to eat something, smiling and baby-talking occasionally to make you smile.

"Open wide, princess. Just one more bite." Val grinned. You went to have the bite of cereal, but she pretended to eat it, making you laugh and poke her cheek gently.

She smiled and kissed your head, saying, "I'm proud of you. You finished half, so thats good. If you're hungry, just let me know, okay?"

You nodded and winked at her, causing a smile to spread over her features.

"Alright, now, let's go for that meeting." She took you by the hand to the main hall, leaving Thor and Jane baffled.

Confetti fluff.


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