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I had waited a long time. What was keeping her? Was she with Kristopher? "Kenneth, she's here," Alec said. It was true. I observed her. Something seemed off about her way of walking. It was like she was in a daze.

"She doesn't look well," Dev said.

"Yeah. She's pale."

"I doubt she wanted to come here."

"I doubt she knows she's here." I listened to both of them. They seemed correct. I got up and walked to her.


"Huh?" She looked up, surprised to see me. "It's you. What are you- Where am I?"

"Lounge. Told you to meet me here, didn't I?" The students passing by were looking at us.

"I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Since you're here, join us. Do you want anything?"

"A large bucket of cold water to wake me up from this dream." What was she talking about? "Ice cream or chocolate. Any." Sweet tooth. We walked to where the others were. I decided to get her order myself. "Kenneth."


"Pinch me."

"What?" Alec and I asked at a time.

"Pinch me." What happened to her?

"Vivian are you alright?" Alec asked in concern.

"Vivian." I subconsciously held her face. "What happened?"

"So I am not dreaming?"

"This is real life."

"Why couldn't it be a dream?" Her eyes teared up and her tears fell on my palms.

"Vivian." She was crying. Dev looked at me.

"What are you going to do?" I had no idea what to do. I felt very confused. I was terrible at consoling people. What was I going to say to her?

"Stop crying." Did Kristopher do anything to her? If he did, he needed fixing.

"Kenneth come back here," Dev ordered. I frowned at his tone. "Sit down. Don't go looking for trouble. She hasn't told us what the matter is." He was right.

"Alec go get her ice cream. A tub."

She refused to say what happened.  We didn't force her and just watched as she enjoyed her ice cream.  After, I escorted her back to her dorm. "Thanks." She was still polite.

"You're welcome."

"Take care. Bye." I waited till she was inside the building before I left.


"For fuck's sakes, Evelyn, I don't want to talk to you."

"Stop avoiding the topic.  Everyone is talking about it. What's going on between the two of you?"

"Nothing! Nothing is going on. She's my friend. Why the misunderstanding?"

"Friend? Wow. You used to despise her now she's your friend?"

"Yes, she is."

"Ha! I'll make it clear to her. You can't be friends with a nobody. You know that. She's not in your league.  I'll give her a little warning."

"No harm to come to Vivian. I'm warning you, Evelyn. "

"What will you do? Mm?" Her hands were akimbo as she looked at me daringly.

"I'll forget your relationship with grandma and deal with you. Don't hurt her." I started walking away.

"So it's not Jeiel anymore. She's now your bottom line?"

I had no idea what she was talking to herself about.


"The prince wanted to meet me. May I know why?" The moment he entered the boys' changing room, a lot of them had disgusted looks on their faces. It didn't fade him though.

"Leave us if you're done." They all moved out leaving Kristopher and me. "What happened to Vivian? She cried after she met with you. What did you do or say to her?" His nonchalant look changed to that of worry. I narrowed my eyes.

"She cried?" He whispered. "Of course. I knew the truth would be hard to bear. I didn't mean to."

"What truth?"

"It's not your business, Chukwurah." It became a staring contest.

"Stay away from Vivian."

"Why?" Yeah, seriously. Why? I asked myself. "You can not bear to see her sad? Or she's another target of your highness the player."

"Just stay away from her."

"And if she comes looking for me?"

This is why I disliked him. He just didn't know when to submit and let me have my way. He always challenged me. Filthy scholarship student. The only admirable thing was his intelligence. Making his way up from being a nobody to being a Royal. Not many could bully him. "You know what? Just get lost."

"The prince favours someone with no title. I don't mind. But I wonder how his admirers would take it."

He turned around facing the way he came from. "If you wish, keep her safe. If you care, which I doubt, it's best to not let her see the ugly side of Hughton. But I  think it's better she grows stronger. "

He was right. She had no title so it was easier for others to do what they wanted. The authorities would not even care if they found out. If they looked into the matter, many of them could get fired by the families supporting the school. "Why doesn't she have a title?" I asked myself.

Her twin was a Royal. I made a decision. I'd protect her. For the fact that her brother was my mentor and the only one who could make me respect him. Brian was someone I admire and respect. He was smart, he was mentally strong. Many people may not know that she was related to a legend in Hughton. The first person to enrol as an Imperial.  Even I had to work my way up.

"Oh, Vivian." I convinced myself I was doing it for her brother. I wish I was a hundred per cent honest.


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Done. Thank you for patiently waiting. I'm grateful to my readers and followers. And to those who vote and comment, Te Amo. ❤

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