Chapter 17

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We make it to the market she is talking about on the first street before theirs. sellers are busy marketing in their shops and warehouses, advertising their goods and trades to customers while buyers who are looking for what to buy and Vehicles are passing by

I keep gazing around as I follow Angela. Most of the things the sellers are trading are mainly all kinds of foodstuff, pepper, tomatoes, meat, and nothing more. It's kind of strange for me as I have never been to a place like this before.

We turn to the left roadside and Angela freezes in front of a fruit and vegetable shop. There is a woman on a seat at the corner side of the store washing some garden eggs with water. We move closer to her and Angela says hi to her, bending to give her a side hug.

"How is school today?" She asks and with her head raised, I can see an older version of Karen.

"Fine," Angela answers, and the woman furrows her brows in confusion as she stares at me. Angela clears her throat to that.

"He came to our place to see Karen," She adds.

"Oh!" The woman reacts, releasing her brows

"Our granny," Angela whispers to me, and my eyes wide open in surprise.

"I should go call her," She adds and I watch her leaves me with their grandma.

"So, I'm sure you are not Nicholas," Their grandmother states, and I turn to face her back.

Who the hell is Nicholas?

"Of course not," I answer. "I'm Mike, her boss's son,"

"Her boss's son?" She repeats that in confusion.

I have no idea if I have crossed the line by telling her that.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Karen's voice catches our attention and I turn around to see her in a denim dungaree jumpsuit and crocs slippers.

Her braids are styled in a donut bun.

I look into her eyes and meet her gaze. Her eyebrows are brought together with her forehead wrinkled.

"Hi," I greet with a slight smile.

Her face does not soften with that.

"You never told me you have started a job," Grandma cut in,

"Just trying to do work and study," She shrugs, now her eyes on her grandmother.

"But you never told me. When do you start hiding things like that from me,"

"I'm sorry granny, I got fired the second day,"

"What? Why?" Her grandma exclaims. She then growls back at me as she keeps mute.

But it wasn't my fault. She hit me all because of nothing.

"It's a misunderstanding which I came here to resolve," I interfere and this makes every one of us calm down. 

"You guys should go for a walk and talk then," Her Granny suggests as she continues washing the fruit.

"I have to finish what I am doing," Karen says to me.

"I'm fine with that," I reply.

"Why would you even come here," She whispers in her harsh voice.

"We need to talk," I answer her, and she makes a grunting sound, while I roll my eyes in disbelief.

"Come with me," She states and I follow her inside the store. Angela already has been attending to customers.

I sit on a plastic chair while Karen goes to set up some vegetables.

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