Big News

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*Camren's POV*

I had no idea where I was going. I knew it was him who had me. I didn't wanna believe this was real. I was kicking him and hitting him. I was screaming. When we arrived the outside of the hotel the streetlights lit up the parking lot. It was a really pretty place. There was a river by the hotel. Which i was getting more and more scared. What if he throws me in there and I drown. He put me down on a nearby picnic table.

"Listen if you shut up then I won't hurt you. I will return you. I want you for one night."

I shut up. I wanted to live. He didn't put anything on my mouth but he taped my legs together. We sit by the river. We sat on huge rocks. Every time I moved I felt them cut my skin. I didn't cry I had to do this. I knew I had to stay quiet. I looked over to the left and I noticed the hotel security camera. I was praying to god it worked. After sitting with him. He spoke

"I knew you. Your name is Camren. I've been stalking you. For months now. I live in Indiana. No where close to here. I've been tracking you. My name is Daniel and I am 19 years old.

*Michelle's POV*

We were watching Camren and him on the surveillance camera . We called the cops. They were coming. When they got there we followed the cops outside. There only approach was to shoot him so they can grab him and cause no damage to Camren. The cops knew this was kidnapping. They had already chatted with him earlier today. He escaped police custody already and punched a cop. They made my mom Brooke and I stay inside. Matthew and Lauren went outside to get Camren.

*Camren's POV*

I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't say anything or move. I stayed still while Daniel touched me. I was terrified. Just then I heard a loud bang. Daniel's hand dropped off me and two cops came down and handcuffed Daniel. My mom picked me up. She untaped my legs. My legs were covered in blood from the rough rocks cutting me. My mom rushed me inside and a police officer sat down on the chairs in the lobby while a parametric was treating my wounds.

"State your name."

"Camren Karla Jauregui.

"What happened with you and Daniel?"

"He harassed me at my friend Michelle at the vending machine. It was horrible. He was touching my body. He kissed me. Then when he picked me up he told me had been stalking me for months now. Then he started to touch my body again. He didn't do anything beyond that."

"I promise he won't ever touch you again."

Camila stayed in the hotel room with Camren and I. She was scared. My mom and dad took care of Brooke. When the sun rose we met My mom and and dad in breakfast area. Nobody else was there. My mom looked very happy.

"Guys may I talk to you?"

We all followed my mom to a table. She sat down grabbed onto my dad's hand and said "I'm pregnant."

My mom Lauren Michelle Jauregui was pregnant. Which means I was going to be a sister to sibling that was actually going to be raised by my mom. She wasn;t going to lie to me ever again. I hought it was going to be good day until Michelle started crying.

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