Ch.66 One Dead Bird Season 3

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Izu Pov:

It's finally Thursday the four of us got today off because of what happened yesterday with All Mighty Bitchy Tiny PP man who thinks he is the shit when he is the dog shit that I step on when I am on my way to show the world what a quirkless person can do!

Hari also come over to make sure we have tomorrow's plans ready

We end up sleeping in the living room together and sadly I am the only one up and already made us breakfast

So I go wake up Kami

" It's time to wake up "

" 10 more minutes almost finish " he said in a sleepy voice I just smile and let him then I see Hari

" Wake the fuck up " I told Hari

" Shut the fuck up " He told me in a sleepy voice as he nuzzles into the pillow

"...... "

" No! Wait Izu! I didn't mean it! " he jumps right up and falls off the sofa

" You done fucked up " said Neito

" You know what you said now take the whooping " said Toshi

I smile at Hari with my new stainless steel frying pan that Kai got me 

" Good night " I smile at him and put him in nap time

" Well then you three should get up now food is ready " I told the three love bird

" Yes mom~ " they said as they slowly got up and make their way to the table to have breakfast together

Kai Pov:

It has been some time Hari should have come back already....

But he still has not....

Where could he be?

I take out my phone and call my angel to see is Hari still annoying him

" Hello? "

" Morning angel " I can't help but smile

" Morning Kai. Why are you calling so early? "

" Is Hari still there? " I asked

" Yes he is "

" Tell him to come back already there is no more space in his deck for us to put the paperwork "

" I can't "

" Why's that? "

" Because Izu put him in nap time! " I can hear Neito shouting at the back

" Why did you put him in nap time? " I asked a little amused at what that dumbass did this time

" He told Izu to shut up when Izu woke him up this morning " I hear Hitoshi said


" Kai? "

" Izu can you do something for me? " I asked

" Sure what is it? "

" Hit him a few more times" I said as I can hear Izu's friends laughing out at the back

" Kai I don't think that is needed "

" If you say so. Izu can you and your team come over later on? " I asked

" Sure! " Izu said happily

" See you soon my angel "

" See you soon "

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