Shadow Man

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(Shadow man is very boring so be ready to be bored. He doesn't really have a life-)

Name: Shadow man(Pronunciation) ShA-dow manAliases: The punisherNickname: Shadow

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Name: Shadow man
(Pronunciation) ShA-dow man
Aliases: The punisher
Nickname: Shadow

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him it/them

Sexuality: Straight


Species: "Weirdling"

Stubborn and viscous. However he is quite calculated and is basically one of those reluctant softies towards their lover.
Discipline: He follows rules to a T
Stenghts: Calculated
Weakness: Easily manipulated
Habbits: Tapping his foot

•Also Ava
•Ava again
•Eating Eyeballs
(If you can't tell he really likes ava)

•Joe >•[
•Joe again
•Disappointing HIM
•Cats he hates cats


General hobbies:

Observational hobbies:

Extra info:

General info:
Scent: Musk(?) And blood
Allergies: Cat hair
Fears: Loosing Ava
Ambitions: To please HIM
Talent: Torturing
Alignment: Lawful evil
-Vert type: Introvert

Personal info:
Social class: Higher
Blood type: B
Role model: Has none


Mental health: Meh.
Physical health: Sometimes good sometimes bad. He got stabbed once-
Hygiene: Bare minimum. If that.

Only add on: HE gave Shadow man something to focus on.. something to be useful for.. However with his job people feared him and he could never get a companion. He was so lonely... so.. very.. lonely.. That's when HE gave him a lover! Shadow was ecstatic! However.. she left him.. ran away. It only made him more bitter and angry. Ava was his saving grace..


Pale man: He.. he doesn't hate him but he sees him as pathetic.

Joe: he's still bitter over the fact Joe tried to take Ava from him.

HIM: He sees HIM as a father figure in a sense. Regardless of the torture he's seen HIM put his brother's through.

Ava: He likes Ava. She pretty, smells good, and is nice. He likes her a lot •]

Important notes:

He's the cruelest of the punishers that work for HIM. He's usually the last resort if you're really bad.

He was eventually fused with Joe. He's a bit nicer because of that.

Shadow lives in the back rooms and is the ruler in a sense. He prefers level 0 since it's "pretty"

(Non important but cute-)
Shadow collects people's things and gives them to his brother "to be nice"

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