Rai Tekikonton

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Rai Tekikonton

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Rai Tekikonton

Nickname: Teki



December 25th



Bio: The son of Taimujan and Izumi and the oldest child of three Rai had a better childhood than what his father had dealt with as he was both trained by his father and learning about things with hus mother. As he was growing up his quirk started to show as he punched a bully and the bully was shocked by lighten, as he was the first person in the Telkikonton family to get his quirk at the age of 3. Thus after that his training gotten more tougher but he over come the harsh training his father gave him and became a better fighter, When he was 15 he signed up to be in UA to become a hero like her mother and uncle as his two little siblings followed with him.

Personality: kind, nice, caring, cold, cruel polite, confidence

Likes: his family, his friends, training, sleeping, movies, fighting, his quirk, the heroes, learning new things, books

Hates: idiots, bullies, villains, his father pissed, his friends/family hurt, his siblings being idiots

Quirk: Thunder Wrath

Description: Able to summon lighten and thunder to attack/defend himself. Also causes thunder storms when enrage

Drawback: It cost huge amount of stamina to summon and use the thunder and lighten


Father: Taimujan

Mother: Izumi

Uncle: Izuku

Aunt#1: Mitsuri

Aunt#2: Uraraka 

Aunt#3: Rikiya 

Aunt#4: Momo

Cousin#1: Kira

Cousin#2: Nori

Little sister: Nikiya

Little Brother: Yota

Father side Grandfather: Hitto(Deceased)

Father side Grandmother: Diavola 

Mother side Grandfather: Unknown

Mother side Grandmother: Inko

Love Interest: Unknown



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