States Annoying Pita and Pita Annoying States

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Peta stayed the night at the State House once, much to the inhabitants misery, and they woke up with a bald head and the states cooking an American breakfast and using bacon grease instead of oil. (COW hid in Oregon's room to make a vegan version of the meal for themselves but Peta doesn't need to know)

PETA stole New York's turtles. They ended up with a broken arm, black eyes, and a lot of bruises. The turtles where given extra treats that night.

They also tried to take Florida's lizard (hethinksitsaminigator), but was caught by Louisiana and Kansas who where going to set up a prank in Florida's room while he was annoying Gov.

They tried to get COW to go to a vegan protest- Oregon and Washington are vegetarian, not vegan, and California would rather agree with Texas then go to the protest.

Florida was having his birthday party at Chucky Cheese (he loves it there) and everything was going fine and he was having a great time before Peta interrupted by throwing his Pizza and Cake out and yelling about how their supporting the dairy industry and how the animals are mistreated and the chickens are trapped in a small area (the cake was made by Missouri with eggs from his chickens and milk from Virginia's cows), ruining Florida's birthday, traumatizing him because the Organization talked about it in graphic details, and made him cry.
Only states can hurt other states and Peta was... taken care off... while Cow, Kansas, and Gov calmed the Sunshine state down and told him that it's not true.

PETA and The Vegan Teacher are friends. The state hate TVT, and they also hate Pita. While they are annoyed that they are bouncing ideas off of each other it got Peta to leave them alone so they can't complain too much.

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