Chapter 84-Sophie

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"If you lose, you get to watch while I sleep."

The voice was rough and gravelly. An ogre, probably, as their voice also carried down the hall.



"Just hear me out."

"Jemlin, you got to sleep last time. I get it this time."



Sophie arched an eyebrow and peered down the hall. Two ogres, she confirmed, both decked out in weapons and metal diapers and breastplates. She couldn't really tell which one was Petunia, and honestly, she didn't really want to, because it would make her more guilty about what she was about to do.

She glanced at Keefe. He nodded.

Sophie stepped out into the open. Immediately, the guards straightened, baring their teeth and pointing their spears at her threateningly.

She smiled disarmingly. "Hello."

The guards snarled at her.

She inflicted on them.

They fell to the floor with heavy thuds, and Sophie quickly stepped over them. There was no lock on the door, which was pretty stupid when she thought about it. Or it was a trap.

They'd find out.

You can come out, she transmitted to Keefe.

When he'd come out of hiding, Sophie opened the door. They stepped through, frowning at each other in the silence. Besides the two guards, the place was empty. They ran as quietly as possible down the long, winding hallway, as Sophie reached four with her mind for other people. She followed the sense down several different, forking halls. As they rounded another corner she sensed a life forms, no, four life forms ahead.

They passed a closet, labeled very conveniently, in French, "Closet."

Sophie yanked open the door and shoved Keefe in, following closely and closing the door as quickly and quietly as possible.

Keefe had frozen, pinned against the wall. Sophie, as well, felt the wall against her back, bare cracks in the vents on the door casting the slightest bit of light on Keefe's face.

His eyes were shut tightly, so tightly his nose and forehead were wrinkled with concentration. He was so close that Sophie could feel his warm breath on her face, every fast, panicked breath. Sophie reached for his hand and grasped it tightly, and Keefe's eyes shot open.

Keefe's shoulders were tense, jaw squared and clenched as he seemed to try to slow his breathing. Sophie squeezed his hand and his eyes cleared as his eyes focused on hers.

His breathing became more erratic and his eyes closed again as he leaned his head back against the wall with a soft thud. Sophie saw his Adam's apple constrict when he swallowed hard again.

The ogre's voices drifted faintly through the door as they marched past. Sophie leaned against his chest to peak out the tiny ventilation cracks. She watched them walk away, but when she searched telepathically down the hall, she felt another shift coming their way. She felt Keefe tense under her hands as she fidgeted with the collar of his shirt.

Sophie glanced back at him. His eyes were still closed, but his face was closer to hers than before. Sophie gazed up at him, his closed eyelids, impossibly long, dark eyelashes brushing the skin under his eyes. Her eyes flicked down to his lips, which were slightly parted as he panted.

Sophie looked back at his eyes. They were open now, and the glacier blue of them gazed steadily at her, despite his heaving chest. Keefe's breathing changed as he glanced at her lips and back up at her eyes.

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