{93}- Interlude to the Grand Stage | Pleiades Watchtower

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??? POV

Footsteps sounded across the wet floor, which has been severely impacted by the rain in the past hours. The footsteps eventually became louder, echoing through the alleyway until the man arrived at the place that they agreed on.

"This should be right..." He let out a breath before opening the secret door, and slipped inside the hidden corridor.

Stepping down the stairs that seemed to spiral down into hell, he eventually arrived at the room that he was somewhat familiar with.

"Huh, seems like I was the first one here..."

He went to turn on the lights and as soon as he did that, a person dropped down behind him and held a knife to his throat.


"It's not even funny anymore, Cal. I already know all your tricks."

"But you're the Sin Archbishop of Discord! You're supposed to love chaos!"

"I love chaos when I create it. Not when I'm its target."

"I guess you have a point there, gehahahaaha!"

The other man slowly backed off and sheathed his weapon before sitting down on the couch with a loud thump. "Still, I guess I'm surprised as well. Never thought I'd be here before you, since you are kind of the most loyal dog."

"Shut it, Cal. It's about the mission she assigned. It has nothing to do with what I do and how I seem to the others."

"Apathy called you an idiot. And a simp. And we all have to agree on the second statement."

"You're crazy. Then again, that's kinda your point."

The man with the suit and red hair faced the 16th as we gave off the most devious smile one could possibly find in the world.

"Why not? After all, madness rules over all kinds of craziness, does it not?! GEHAHAAHEHEHEHA!"

"Why not? After all, madness rules over all kinds of craziness, does it not?! GEHAHAAHEHEHEHA!"

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Calvin Gregory Klein (Cal)

Schlizirkel's 12th- Sin Archbishop of Hysteria

"We'll at least I'm not as crazy as you, Cal. Get that laugh under control or else you're going to expose our location."

"It'll be fine, do you think she made this place without considering the soundproof qualities?"

"It's your actions, honestly..."

All the Sin Archbishops of the Schlizirkel have been summoned. What could possibly be the reason? Unless it's time to finally move their plan into action?

Only the 12th and 16th are present. The others are either on their way or simply procrastinating until their leader gets mad. Well, at least that's usually what happens. Not that they feel anything bad anyways, considering that they are all horrible bastards with personalities at the worst extremes.

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