Mercy x shadow..

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This a request from my fellow mommy. (Yes I have my mommy kink. And yes we fuck)
Hair color: dark gray
Eye color: cyan
type: hedgehog/ Magic
Nickname: merc
Btw drunk shadow🥴🥴😮‍💨😮‍💨LOL
*when is he going to come hom-*

"I'm hO *hic* me!"shadow said bursting through the front door

*you have got to fucking me..* mercy though as she rose up from her chair "come on.." she mumble

"MOmmY?" Shadow said as he stumbled to mercy threw himself onto her

"AH- ughhhh... come on shadow" mercy pulled shadow by the arm to his room

"MoMMy??"shadow said

Mercy threw him onto his bed

"Go. To. Bed." Mercy said as her eyes started to glow

"Sway wit *hic* m-e?" Shadow said siting up

"Ughh- if it will make you go to sleep faster...sure" mercy walked over to shadows bed and sat down

"Yayysss!" Shadow said as he laid down

"Mm."mercy grumbled

She laid down and shadow big spooned her.

"HmMmM. yOu SMELL *hic* gOOod.." shadow said putting his face in mercy's neck

Shadow then softly bit her neck

"HeH- SHADOW WHAT THE FU-" mercy said but was cut off by shadow biteing down harder

"mMmmMMM your tea-st as good as you smell mo-mmy..." shadow said moving his hand up to mercy's breast

"St-op.."  mercy moaned as she grasped shadows arms with the intentions of stoping  him but just pushed his hands down harder
Btw this is not s3xual assault 😅 I'm sorry if it seems like it..
"Hm.. your enjoying this aren't you mercy.." shadow said whispering in her ear

"HA- S-SHADSS!! Y-your not drunk anymore?" She said moving shadows hand down. But a lil to down lol

"It doesn't last long on my mommy." He said moving his hand down the the right spot then start to rub her 🥴 while he's other hand is on her breast

"Hmmm~" mercy slowly and slightly opens her legs for easer access


shadow starts to hold mercy tighter

"Ahh~I-is it ou-t?"mercy say reaching down to see "ha~it i-s"

"You what to be fucked mommy?" He says spreading her POSSAY(sorry I had to)


Shadow shoves the whole thing in her and starts to rail her

"Ha-a-s-fu-c-ck" mercy moans "fu-ck m-me a-a-h~"

"Ha~ you fucking this c-cock you whore" shadow moans in her ear "ta-ke it b-itch~"

"Yes~Y-eS-s FUck!~"

Shadow lifts her up and gos faster

"HA-Hahs!~ F-FUCk hmm~ a~ fUCk me Plac- Aa-hammmm~" mercy's moans are cut off with shadow covering her mouth

"Shhh darling.. don't b-e loud"

"Hi'm Cuhming Fuhck m-e fuckkkkk" mercy yelps

"Ahh Fuckkkkk~" shadow moans as he pulls it and cums

"Ahhhhh!-~" mercy yelps as she cums all over shadow hips

mercy and shadow are left breathing heavily next to each other and falls asleep shortly after😭
HOW DID YOU OIKE THIS MOMMY I RELLY HOPE I PLEASED YOU!! I really want you rn mommy 🥴bye!
Bunny out 😫😍

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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