28 || One Long Night

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Chapter 28: One Long Night

Hopefully, Devin didn't hear that. Maybe this was all in my imagination and I was actually in Devin's car, on my way back to the apartment.

"You sure have a thing of showing up where you aren't needed Malik," Devin said.

Nope! Not my imagination.

"I could almost say the same thing about you, Laschester." Ashton gave a small amused smile.

"Seeing as she just asked me to drop her off, that's easily debatable."

"Guys, I don't think this's the time… nor the place." I looked at Ashton.

What was he doing? We were in the middle of a party, not so far away from an ongoing frat party, anyone could pop out and find him and I together.

But Ashton just shrugged. "Why don't you just go home, Laschester? I'll take it from here."

"Yeah right." Devin told his eyes, folding his arms. Both guys were ready to go at this all night.

Maybe an Uber wasn't a bad idea right now.

"Are you trying to play the good guy?" Ashton shot. "Hopefully, that gets you attention."

"I don't have to "play " the role," Devin said with air quotes. "At least I'm not the one who dated her on some bet."

Both boys were getting awfully bold, stepping inches and inches closer. Thanks, but I wasn't ready to have a preview of their upcoming match. I immediately stood in between.

"Devin, we talked about this, Ashton's a nice guy," I said to Devin. Then turned to Ashton. "Ashton, please not here."

"She's done with you man, like seriously… move on!" Devin yelled, I feared that could draw attention.

Ashton scoffed. "You wish. I'm taking my girlfriend home, that's not a debate."

"Your what?"

Oh god!

Ashton had a lopsided smile, I could see how glad he was to say that. The look on Devin's face an extra win.

"He meant ex girlfriend," I immediately corrected.

I turned to Ashton with a stern look. "Ashton, please go back inside. They'll notice of you're gone."

That had been our fatal fault and it had nearly ruined the night. Ashton was easily the most popular guy on campus. Even if Devin hadn't come knocking, we'd still would have been caught by someone else. That was just the level of attention Ashton drew.

Ashton stared at me for a second, then looked up at the easily silent and confused Devin. "Call me when you get home," he said to me before placing a kid on my forehead and then walking away like his job here was done.

I drew in a breath and turned to face Devin who was still dumbfounded and confused.

"Are you dating Ashton Malik?"


The ride back to my place has been awkwardly silent. I stared out the window, avoiding eye contact with Devin who just remained focused on the road.

Maybe it had been a little premature to rejoice the last time. Devin knew about us now, his silence was even more scary.

I finally found the courage to turn to him. "Devin, I would have told you if I could," I said. "I just didn't think it was smart if I increased the circle and we'd just met at time."

He sighed, running a have through blonde locks. "It's fine Maddie, just didn't see that coming I guess."

"So does that mean you won't tell anyone?"

"I can barely process what just happened, what am I supposed to tell them?"

Yeah, it was quite a lot to find out I was secretly dating my ex to avoid his dad who signed him up for a tournament he was equally participating in all in one night.

"So he hates you that bad?" Devin asked. "His dad."

"Yup." I groaned. "And he's the only thing standing between me and a revoke on my scholarship."

"Sounds like an a*shole if you ask me." Devin chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile. Mr Malik was the definition of stuck up.

"I see why you didn't tell me but now that leaves another problem," he said. "I'll have to fight your boyfriend next week."

I sighed. I guessed asking Devin to quit was equally out of the question so I simply gave a calm smile while hoping for the best.

By the time we'd made it to my apartment, it was nearly 1am. Devin rolled his car into the parking lot, turning off the ignition.

"Do you think Jess–"

"Maddie!" Jessica knocked against the window, almost having me skip a heartbeat.

"I tried calling," she said. "I didn't know if you were coming back, you had me worried b*tch!"

I gave an awkward smile. "Yeah, sorry about that, I was kinda… busy." I looked at Devin who just smiled.

"Hey Jess," Devin said.

"Oh hi Devin, didn't see you there…"

Really Jess? This's his car, how didn't you know? I casually slipped out as Jessica started an arm on my shoulder, escorting me into the apartment.

"Actually, Jess… can we talk?" Devin called out.

Jessica turned to me, her eyes narrowed then to Devin, nodding.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched them both make their way into his car.

Go Devin, tell her how you feel.

This had been one long night and I was eager to get to the soft comfort of bed, quickly rushing into the apartment as I left the two to have a private chat.

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