losing Dwina

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"Dwina let's go for a walk in the garden!" I said grabbing her arm! "Okay love!" She smiled! I went to go grab our coats since it was just starting to become spring so it was still just a bit nippy outside! I went to give Dwina her coat and realized she wasn't there! "DWINA?!" I yelled in a panic! I went outside and looked all over the front and back yards! "Nothing!" I thought! I went and looked all over the garden for her! Still nothing! Thank god our daughter was on her way over! I called her! "Allison honey can you drive over here as fast as you can?" I asked! "Sure mom what's going on?" She sounded worried! "I was gonna take mama Dwina for a walk around the garden and I went to grab her coat and when I went to give it to her she wasn't there!" I panicked! "So we lost her and don't know where she went? Does daddy know? Cause you know daddy'll freak out if anything happens to her!" She sighed! "I know! And no your father doesn't know! I looked in both the front and back yards and didn't find her! I looked all over every section of the garden still couldn't find her! I'm freaking out!" I said still panicking! "Mom calm down we'll find her! I promise!" Allison said! "I'm 5 minutes away I'll pull into the driveway! Wait for me outside okay?" She said! "Okay I will!" I said back to her! "I love you mommy!" She said before hanging up! Me and Allison never once got into a fight! We have our disagreements but it never turned into a big blowout! Now me and Robin we used to fight like cats and dogs but we've mellowed out a little bit! Me and my other kids never fought either! They would always fight with Robin or Dwina but at the end of the day they all loved each other!

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