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662 19 10

-Y/N's pov-

After a while of calling people we found out Eddie crashes at some guy's house, his names reefer rick. After some research I found the address, and well, here we are.

We walked up to the porch of the house and Dustin rang the doorbell, and again, then he started ringing it rapidly.

"Oooh-kay well that's settled. He's not here." Steve said. Dustin ignored him and started banging on the window of the door

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" he shouted, he kept shouting about wanting to talk while me, Max, and Robin looked through the windows. Max and I walked over to the side of the house, the light from our flashlight hitting a boathouse on the lake.

"Hey guy?" Max shouted catching everyone's attention, they all walked over

"Well, let's go." I said quickly before running down hill towards it

"Y/N, you idiot!" Steve called after me

"Your name isn't Y/N." I said just before opening the door and walking inside. Everyone followed. "Hello? Anyone home?"

We all scanned over things with our flashlights as we walked further in. Steve picked up an oar and started poking at a tarp.

"What are you doing?" Dustin questioned

"He might be in there." Steve said before poking at the taro again

"So take the tarp off." Dustin whisper yelled

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off." Steve continued poking

"Someone was here." Max said looking down at a table with trash on it.

"Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran." Robin offered

"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar." I said sarcastically and crossed my arms

"I know you think you're being funny, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, I don't find it funny in the slight--" Steve was cut off by someone jumping out from under the tarp and pinning Steve to the wall.

Wait a minute, I recognize that hair anywhere. Eddie.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie, stop!" Eddie looked at me "It's me, it's Y/N and Dustin."

"That's Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?" Dustin spoke slow and clear

"Right. Yeah." Steve whispered

"Steve, drop the oar." I recommend. Steve hesitated but did so anyway. As he did Eddie pushed a piece of glass closer to Steve's neck "He's cool! He's cool."

"I'm cool, man. I'm cool." Steve whispered

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked, his voice was breaking, like he wanted to cry.

"We're looking for you." Dustin informed him

"We're here to help." Robin added, Eddie looked over quickly as he heard those words.

"Ed, these are our friends." I said calmly "You know Robin, from band." Robin did an instrument impression 

"And this is Max, y'know the one who never wants to play DND." Dustin added, Max waved quickly

"Eddie. We want to help." I said slowly, letting him process the words coming out of my mouth. He's panicked, not thinking straight.

"I swear on my mother! Right guys?" Dustin shouted

"On Dusty's mother." I said quickly

"Yes. Yes. We swear." Max nodded

"On Dustin's mother." Robin stammered

"Yeah, Dustin's..Dustin's mother." Steve said quietly. Eddie waited a minute to take the glass away from Steve's throat. When he did Steve hunched over and Eddie backed away. Slowly I started walking towards him, Dustin following. Eddie slid down the wall, he was broken, terrified, traumatized.

I slowly crouched down to look at him as I spoke "Eddie, we just want to talk. We know you've seen things, and so have we. But we want to know what happened, we need to know."

"You won't believe me."He sniffled

"Try us." Max said confidently. Eddie starred at her for a minute before finally opening up.


"-I didn't know what to do, so I..I ran." Eddie explained. Listening to the way he spoke made me want to cry, his voice kept breaking, the entire time his eyes were wide and he starred at the ground. He scoffed "You all think I'm crazy, right?"

"No, we don't think you're crazy." Dustin shook his head

"Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds!" Eddie shouted

"Ed, we believe you. And honestly, we've seen stuff just as traumatizing." I knew I shouldn't have said that last part, but I panicked, I rambled, when I panic words just spill out. The truth.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you might be..a little hard to take." Dustin said softly

"Okay." Eddie nodded slightly and looked at Dustin

"You know how people say Hawkins is cursed? Well they're not far off." As Dustin talked I appeared in the void again, it's quick showing up. It's always there.

"There's another world." Dustin's voice echoed in my head

In front of me stood one of Nancy's friends from the school paper, he looked scared. He was walking forward

"A World hidden beneath Hawkins."

The guy continued to walk, until he just stopped

"Sometimes it bleeds into ours."

The guy started floating, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"These monsters from this other world..."

His bones started cracking, his jaw dropped

"We thought they were gone."

Blood poured from his eyes

"But they've come back before."

His eyes popped into the back of his head and he dropped

"ᏆᎥᏟᏦ ᏆᎾᏟᏦ Ꮍ/Ꮑ. ᏆhᎪᏆ's ᏁumbᎬᏒ 2." a deep voice boomed through my head.

I gasped and covered my mouth, falling out of the chair I was in. I'm back in the boathouse, everyone staring at me.


-955 words. Updates will be slowing down, school starts next week and I've got to prepare. I'll update when possible but I won't have daily updates out, I'll attempt weekly.-

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