new friends

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"BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" No, No it can't be the morning already?! I swear I literally like just went to sleep? Today is my first day of high school, I'm going to be a freshie, constantly tormented by older years. You may think, Bonnie it can't be that bad? You're overreacting bonnie, chill. I would be overreacting if I was apart of a normal family, no brothers or anything, but no. I'm going to be joining a new school, with 4 of my older brothers, watching me like a hawk, observing every little thing I do, and if they even see me remotely near a boy they will beat that boy to a pulp. Now, can you see why I'm reacting like this?

Just then, one of my idiotic brothers bang on my door, trying to get me awake and up ready for school clearly.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie! It's your first day of school! GET UP GET UP!" A voice shouts into my room, it's too early to tell which one of my brothers.

"MPPPHHHHH JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I NEED MY SLEEP" I growl, hoping I can doze back off into my slumber and wake up at 3:31, a minute after school ends.

"No can do Bonnie, it's wake up time! BOYS CMON" the voice sings back at me. I swear to god those boys better not do anything.

Before I can think about anything else, roughly 4 bodies pile on top of me, I think I can actually hear my bones cracking from pressure at this point?

" GET OFF YOU FAT PIGS PLE-" I try to finish my sentence when another body bounds on top of the pile, I groan out in pain while my brothers laugh.

"Just say the words and we'll go bonnie!"

"URGH ALRIGHT FINE I'M GETTING UP, I'M GETTING READY JUST GET OFF ME!" I shout, I've had enough. I guess I have got to go to school :/ My idiotic brothers pile off me and exit my room, leaving me and my thoughts.

I get up and head to my bathroom. I put my earphones in and put my "getting ready" playlist on and wash my face. After I have done my skincare and then my makeup, which is just light and dewy, I brush my teeth and head out. I had a shower last night so I didn't need to have one this morning. I pull my uniform on, then brush my hair out, just leaving it natural and down. I then spray my Dior perfume and put some deodorant on. I look in the mirror, rolling my skirt up, It currently sits at my knees so I roll it up mid thigh, I'll probably roll it a bit higher when I'm settled into school.

Okay, now that I'm ready, I sling my bag over my right shoulder, It's just a navy Jansport one, It's pretty simple but I like it. I skip down the stairs, why? I don't know, I'm definitely not excited or happy, I'm the opposite.

"Morningggggg" I drag the "ing" out for exaggeration, I love doing that. I make my way to the table, seeing all my brothers there expect for Theo. Weird.

"Hey Bonnie" Rafe says as I sit down, next to him, I smile in response and sip some water.

"Oh bonnie You look adorable!" Nic says as he hands me a bowl of cereal, I take it and roll my eyes at him.

"what? It's true baby" Nate says, standing up for his twin, probably more to piss me off. And hey, it worked.

"whatever" I shrug, nothing can piss me off anymore than going to school.

"So Bonnie, remember all the rules we said last night! But most importantly, enjoy your self. High school have been the best years of my life so far, so have fun and stay safe Bon Bon." Alex smiles, while my other brothers start digging into their food, shoving mouthful upon mouthful into their large gobs.

"Bonnie, if anything ever happens at school, we're always happy to help, just come to your 3 brothers!" Nic rubs my back as Nate shoots me a smirk.

"Yeah like he said, but if we see you doing anything remotely against the rules, our older brothers here will be immediately told" Nate smirks as I huff, great 3 hawks on my back.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang