yet another author's note, re: new book

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this isn't a new chapter so i'm sorry to disappoint y'all :( i just had a question and i'd like to hear your thoughts!

so like i said in the author's note in the last chapter, i'm in the process of reworking this fanfic on ao3. i really really don't have the heart to edit or delete this book on wattpad (both for nostalgia purposes and egotistical reasons; i think i'd rather cut off both of my pinky toes rather than make 125k entire reads disappear. also if i edit the chapters, my song choices wouldn't work anymore and lemme tell you bitches, i spent a lot of fucking time coming up with the perfect songs to go with the chapters... kinda sad that you can't do that on ao3 but whateva)

so the question becomes: should i create a new wattpad book that's exactly the same as the ao3 version? they would be updated at the same time and nothing would be different between the two. that way ppl won't have to switch between ao3 and wattpad if they want to keep up with the new version, plus i really like the interactive nature of wattpad way more than i do the ao3 version. you can't comment on specific paragraphs on ao3 or on dashboards and i feel like i'm losing out on a lot of potential perspective and criticism. 

and once you upload on ao3, it's only a matter of time before your work gets buried under everyone else's new works. if there's anything i like about wattpad, it's that it's based on algorithm instead of chronology. it's easier for new readers to discover older works, and the algorithm can push certain genres/fanfictions to its intended demographic. i know a lot of ao3 users talk major shit about wattpad, but i think ao3 and wattpad serve 2 difference purposes and i just happen to like wattpad lol (i'm biased... i've been around on wattpad since the days when After still used the name harry styles, not hardin scott... oh how fast the night changes)

anyway i think i might just... make a new book, call it the same title and just run with it lol. follow me if u want to be notified <3

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