Chapter 20: She might be a giant, but size never matters!

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At the Metropolis Football field, you were out there running to so exercise training with Rook. Since you been studying a lot during your spring break, it was finally time for a little bit of training.

(Y/n): *Huff Huff* Darn.. never ran this fast before.

Rook: Remember (Y/n), this training that we're doing requires the focus of your limit. That also means keeping your focus on the far end.

(Y/n): Yeah.. but to be fair I could have easily transformed into Xrl8 or Fasttrack to easily win this practice race.

Rook: No (Y/n), you got to remember that we're here to train by building up our stamina, not use our powers. There are going to be times when we can't rely on our powers or weapons to help us.

(Y/n): Okay. And speaking of training, how many did we do?

Rook: Only about 10 laps.

(Y/n): 10 LAPS? And I thought we did 20 laps..

Rook: Still the total lap that I did back in my plumber training academy was about 50 laps every single day.

(Y/n): *Gasp* OH okay... you are way over prepared aren't you?

Rook: Of course, as a plumber I must be prepare for anything.

(Y/n): Alright, and speaking of being fully prepared, where's Ben?

Rook: He said that he had other business to attend too.

(Y/n): Actually its more like he's either studying or playing Sumo Slammer. Either way, let's just finish this lap.

Rook: IF you say so. But remember training is required every day daily to be prepared.

(Y/n): Relax Rook, we got this. Just as long as I can think ahead with aliens powers or not, then we can be awesome! And now we have our own team too!

Rook: *Smiles* We certainty do

As you and Rook were training, another person was on the field and it was none other then Karen. Karen was walking by with her phone out and was chatting with Babs on her online chatting.

Bab's message: DUDE! OMG! #SoExcited!! Can't wait for our BIG SURPRISE for the grlzs and the boyz in our team! After school! 😆😆 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 😘!!!!!

Karen: *Chatting back on her phone* I hope they like it.

Suddenly Karen didn't notices a football heading straight to her face and she was knock down to the ground. Suddenly as she got up, she saw two girls which of course was Leslie in her punk outfit and of course another girl who had orange shirt and muscular legs and arms, she had orange long hair tied up and was smiling at her in a evil way.

 Suddenly as she got up, she saw two girls which of course was Leslie in her punk outfit and of course another girl who had orange shirt and muscular legs and arms, she had orange long hair tied up and was smiling at her in a evil way

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Doris: Hey, Beecher. *Looks at Karen* Heads up. *Both her and Leslie laughed at her*

Karen: Oh, um, hi, Doris. Fancy meeting you here while I was taking the extra, extra long way to Chemistry class.

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