-Rainy Afternoon-

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Another drabble I drabbled to make myself happy.... I guess...

Wrote it in 2nd person point of view.


Do you ever have that feeling where you just want a hug? Where you just feel sad for little to no reason? Where you just want some comfort? Well, today was one of those days. A day that was mostly fine, but despite all that, you felt a small tinge of almost unexplainable sadness in your throat.

You felt alone at school sometimes, and not in a good sense. Sometimes just looking at all of the other students happily chatting away and joking around with their friends made you a tad... upset. Sad, and lonely, even...

You have so many mixed up feelings at times- sometimes you want to cry, and other times you don't really know what to do.

Rain poured from the dark and cloudy sky above as you lay on the couch with you head rested on you friend's lap, one of their hands resting on your head, running their fingers through a bit of your hair. And the other holding one of your hands in an effort to comfort you.

Both of you were wrapped in soft blankets as the TV was set to one of the cartoon channels, which was now on a commercial break- but neither of you were really paying much attention to the TV anyways.

You tiredly looked up at your friend, who looked back at you and smiled once you gave them a warm smile.

Their company alone cheered you up a bit, and you were grateful for that. More grateful then words could describe.

You sat up, stretching a bit. "You want any hot chocolate?" Your friend asked.

You turned to them, thinking for a second, "Mm... sure?" You shyly responded as your friend then went off to the kitchen; coming back about ten minutes later with two cups of hot chocolate.

You both peacefully sit on the couch, wrapped in blankets and drinking some hot chocolate as you watch the cartoons that played on the television throughout the afternoon.

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