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HANEUL FELT EXTREMELY out of place in the lavish penthouse

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HANEUL FELT EXTREMELY out of place in the lavish penthouse. The owner of the said penthouse, also known as Haneul's boss, was sprawled perfectly across her in his chair with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

Jung Hoseok was an intimidating person to the core. Even at home, he was dressed in a co-ord set of a brand Haneul could only dream about. Bright lights and a bird's eye view of Seoul were in front of her, the scene she only imagined seeing in her dreams.

Right from his work documents to his home, and even his casual clothes, Hoseok was a colour-coordinated specimen. The meticulousness he had about little-little things made Haneul wonder if he had slight control issues, not that she would ever voice it out loud.

She raised her glass to her lips and took a small sip of the whiskey that was too rich for her taste. She was dressed simply- too simple in fact- with some yoga pants and a hoodie. She wished she would've dressed more nicely, like a dress or a fancy top, or even one of her formal blouses and pencil skirts. Hoseok had the habit of seeing her in them, not in homeless clothes. It almost felt insulting to sit in front of Hoseok so dressed down whereas he was looking dressed up without even meaning it.

Haneul knew why he had called her. And she knew she had been running off from the discussion as well. He had tried to bring up the topic of "them" on his plane while they were coming back, and even tried to call her a couple of times, but Haneul did not respond. Said she was too busy catching up with family. It was partially true, in her defense. Taehyung was, indeed, family.

"Did you have any jetlag?" Hoseok asked her. It had been a total of three days since she returned, and to say a lot of stuff happened was an understatement.

Haneul took a small sip of her whiskey again, and replied, "No thankfully. I was tired the day we returned though. What about you?" She contemplated adding 'sir' but decided not to. She thought he would initiate the discussion and the jjappaguri she had with Yoongi would make a reappearance.

"Lucky you. My jetlag lasted for two days. It was hell," he said as he gulped the contents of his whiskey glass, looking over at Haneul. Haneul thought he looked very intimidating, like a lion waiting to pounce on a deer.

Sure, Hoseok was sexy, had a good bedroom performance rate, and Haneul was attracted to him too, maybe more than she liked, but she knew better. She shouldn't be messing around with her boss. It would be too weird in the office, and she probably was breaking hundred and one company rules. She definitely did not want to get fired so soon after getting the job which finally kept her financially stable, nor did she want to have any bad name for Hoseok if word got out. Not to add, she had a family to think about, and what they would say made her head spin a little. And Taehyung, he would be so disappointed in her.

She and Hoseok were walking on thin ice, and it was just time before it broke and drowned both of them together.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better though." Haneul said, suddenly dropping eye contact with him when he manspreaded on his chair and gave her a look she was very much familiar with. He gulped down what would be his fourth glass of whiskey for the day and beckoned Haneul over to him.

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