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"I wanted to try and find some clue as to who's responsible for imprisoning us here... But unfortunately, I made no such discoveries. That's all from me..." Byakuya shared.

"Really?" Taka asked in disbelief. "That's it?"

"If I'd uncovered anything, naturally I would have more to say. But I didn't. So I don't."

"R-Right, understood... I spent some time looking around the dormitory, and... There I made the discovery of the century! I found that there was exactly one room for each person!"

"Brilliant discovery, you should take the Ultimate Analyst name from me..." Y/N sarcastically suggested. 

"Well yeah, I figured that out before anything else..." Hina said. 

"Each door already has a nameplate on it, so I guess all the rooms have been assigned already," Junko informed them.

"And each room key was attached to a keychain with the owner's name precision-etched onto it," Sakura added.

"And Chihiro and I found out that all the rooms are totally soundproof," Junko continued. 

"Your next-door neighbor could scream their lungs out, and you wouldn't hear a thing..." Chihiro added. 

"Well, each room also had a private bathroom, which could also lock," Celeste told everyone.

"But it looked like there were only locks on the bathrooms in the girls' dorms," Junko said. 

"Okay, so they got a bunch of rooms ready for us," Mondo summarised. "They're assuming we're gonna be here a while..."

"Well, better to have than have not! At least we don't have to worry about surviving like wild animals," Taka stated. 

"Th-That can't be all you have to r-report, can it Mr. Honor S-Student?" Toko asked in disbelief. There was no response for a moment, only silence.

"That's all for my report! Let's move on to whoever's next!" He hastily instructed. For a guy who seems to be taking charge, he's done a pretty bad job at what they were meant to do...

"We went all up and down the school, double-checking the windows in all the hallways and classes," Junko explained. "We wanted to see if we could get any of those metal plates to come off. And what happened was..."

"Nothing," Leon finished. "Not a damn thing. We couldn't get a single one to budge even a little bit."

"My hands still hurt..." Wyatt complained. 

"There wasn't any hope of escape anywhere... The school really has been totally cut off," Chihiro added. 

"This sucks..." complained Junko. "It really sucks! It sucks sucks sucks sucks SUCKS! What the hell are we gonna do!?"

"Goddamn, calm down!" Leon demanded. "You're starting to make me nervous!" 

"If we stay optimistic then we have a better chance of not going insane!" Wyatt kindly shared.

"We thought maybe we could find a way to communicate with the outside, so we went looking all over," Hina began. "But...we didn't find a thing. Sorry..."

"I went back to the main hall, thinking maybe we could do something about that giant hunk of metal," Mondo shared, but Y/N had gained a great disliking of him since he was punched by him. "But even with Sakura and me both, it wouldn't budge. We hit it with desks and chairs, and nothin'... It was hard as, like...metal." 

"Well yes, it is metal..." Celeste pointed out. 

"Anyway, if we're gonna get outta here, it's not gonna be through there," Mondo finished. 

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