Chapter 9

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"I need this guys," I said adamantly.
"But, what about us?" Steve asked.
"I'll stay in New York. Then, if I ever need you, you guys are there. I just can't take it anymore. I need something different. A few normal years. Please." I replied desperately.
"Do you need anything from us first?" Tony asked.
"Can someone enroll me in Middletown high?"

I looked at the large building before me. I walked into the admissions office where a large friendly smile blinded me.
"Hey! I am Sadie! I am the sophomore class president and I will be your first friend here. Miss Cope is gone today, but I will still guide you to classes and find some good friends!" I frowned at the vampire in front of me. She frowned back. "Yes. I realize it gets sunny out. What the heck are you?"
"A hybrid. A male vampire had me with a human. How do you blend in so well?"
"Animals. Also, hats and makeup are wonderful. Did you know four layers of concealer stop the disco ball?" She answered me. "This is your stop. Have fun and watch out."
"Watch out for what?" I asked, turning, but she disappeared. I shrugged and walked into the classroom as the bell rang. I walked to the only empty table in the school. I opened a few drawers and looked around because the teacher was late. I opened the top drawer as the door opened, so I shut it at a vampiric speed. A boy ran into the classroom and everyone shut up.
"Hey look! It's Penis Parker!" A boy in the back said.
"OH look!" I started, "A dumb-ass who thought we asked him to speak."
The boy nodded in thanks and the teacher walked in.
"Miss Miranda! Parker was late to class and the new kid was a jerk to me! I think she should get after-school detention for at least two hours!" I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, but you called Mr. Parker Penis. I don't think that's the name his parents gave him. So, if I deserve detention, then Mr. Parker deserves to punch you in the face. How do you feel about that?" I smirked.
"Oh, wow! Penis Parker punching me in the face. I'm so scared of the weak little child next to you."
"Flash, Aubri! That is enough. Peter, try to be at school on time tomorrow. Now, as you all know, we have a new student today. Aubri, will you please stand up and tell us about yourself?" I nodded.
"Hey everyone. My name is Aubri Cullen and I moved here from Forks, Washington." I then sat down. My arm hairs all of a sudden were standing on the edge and I felt the need to duck. I did and so did the boy next to me. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "That's a new one," I whispered, going back to my notes.
"What's a new one?" The boy next to me asked. "Sorry, I'm Penis. Parker. I mean, sorry, Peter Parker."
"Hi, Penis. Parker. I mean, sorry Peter Parker." I answered. I noticed his arm hairs standing straight up. "Are you cold or something?" I asked. He looked at me with wide eyes.
"The square root of 9254." He answered the teacher.
"Good job Peter! Now, class, homework is pages seventy-one and seventy-two.  Please turn that in tomorrow," She said clapping her hands. The bell rang and Peter ran out of the classroom. I shook my head with a frown. My frown deepened when I got to my next class and saw another vampire. 
"Coven or nomad?" I asked her quietly.
"Family. I'm Elise. What's your name?" She asked me in a regular voice.
"Aubri. I moved from Forks. My family is the Cullens," I answered at the same volume level.
"Oh, I met them a year back. I didn't see you there. Where were you?" She asked me.
"I was staying with a different family for a while and didn't get to contact them," I answered as the bell rang.
"Do you want to eat lunch with Sadie and me?" Elise asked me after class.
"I'd love to!" I responded. I was becoming good friends with Elise. Her family was similar to mine in the fact that they hunted animals instead of humans. Elise thought it was interesting that I was a hybrid and wanted to know more. "Now I have P.E. Do I pretend to be not athletic, or be the best person there?" 
"Mediocre. It will look good to the rest of the nerds," She answered me.
"Sounds good. See you at lunch!" I waved. I changed for P.E. quickly and sat waiting for the rest of the class. A few minutes later, Peter walked in. I looked at him and felt the mate pull. I frowned and stood up. I saw the teacher, so I sat back down. Peter came over and sat by me. I felt his blood singing to me. I swallowed hard and looked away. He leaned in and whispered, "What are you?"

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