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What's an omegaverse?

Omegaverse is an alternate universe that follows wolf hierarchy, where "alpha, beta, and omega" are regarded as a secondary gender. These genders are determined at birth. World-building is common depending on the author's vision, so it's normal to see a wide variety of tropes, terms, and character development.

This novel has concepts that are traditionally found within this genre, some that are newer, and a few I made up myself.


Alphas are ranked as the highest of the genders. They're physically stronger, assertive, overprotective of their territory, and can intimidate others with their scent. These "top dogs" of society usually have leadership careers such as CEOs, managers, directors, actors, etc.

They make up 15 percent of the population.

Even rarer are dominant alphas who possess stronger pheromones and have the ability to control others for a short amount of time with their scent. Dominants are the least evolved compared to the other genders and are easily triggered to revert to their primal instincts. This includes aggression, extended canines, and animalistic needs.

Their rutting (see rut below) periods are called "seasons."

Betas are everyday humans and vampires, comprising 80 percent of the population. They do not produce a scent but are able to procreate with alphas. Chances of reproducing a child with an omega are highly unlikely.

Omegas are classically stereotyped as the lowest in society and only 5 percent of the population. They're typically smaller in body structure and are not as physically strong as alphas and betas. A common trait is their feminine features, no matter the sex. Like alphas, each omega has a unique scent to attract a mate.

Male omegas have the capability to become pregnant like females can. If they're marked (see marking below) on their nape by an alpha's bite, he or she is forever bonded to that individual. Of the 5 percent total number of omegas, only 1 percent are male.

Dominant omegas went extinct in the 1800s, but it's believed they had the same primal instincts when stimulated and could control others with their pheromones if threatened. There are not many studies about them.

Their heat (see heat below) periods are called "cycles."

Vampire Pheromone Sac

All alpha vampires have a sac in their skull, on the right side above the roof of their mouth. This is filled with pheromone venom. If injected into the skin through a bite, the venom can either 1) calm down an omega during heats or nesting, 2) subdue a mate into submission without using the body's pheromone scent, or 3) stimulate sexual pleasure.

After omegas disappeared, an alpha vampire celebrity got their sac surgically removed due to the assumption that human omegas were extinct, rendering the gland useless. This started the trend to get the sac taken out.

Omega Drop

This is a self-induced coma by an omega if faced with a severe situation, such as being scared or hurt. An omega needs their mate to pull them out of the drop; otherwise, it can be life-threatening.

During a drop, an omega will experience a decrease in bodily functions to look less appealing to the attacker, including 1) a decrease in pheromones, 2) organ shut down, 3) shallow breaths, and 4) lower body temperature.


This relates to an omega drop. During a drop, the omega's mate responds by becoming feral to protect them. They can attack others if they get too close to their endangered partner.

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