Chapter 3 [Part 1] : HE'S AWAKE?!

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Good morning, Asians. After 2 months, I present to you, one half of a chapter.

I hope you enjoy the header pic I took from reactions of Ch2 bonus

= This indicates the person is speaking in Malay =

" This indicates the person is speaking in English "

[ This indicates the person is speaking in Japanese ]

' This indicates the person is thinking '


The next Day

The gang of four were continuing what they had been doing the day before, which were teaching and learning Japanese, and researching of this unique world. From the history of quirks to the current famous and leading pro-heroes and institutions.

They had been storing all the information they gathered in a notepad they requested from Present Mic with the excuse of using it for a more effective teaching method.

They're going to hand the notepad to Boboiboy once he wakes up. They did this mainly to avoid suspicion and lessen the need to use their watches... high-tech alien communicators, when in search of previously found information.





Beep... beep... beep...

=Ugh...= Boboiboy stirred awake, his chest ached a little. He tried to open his eyes but it was a little to bright for him. So, he closed them back for a bit more. He listened to the quiet beep sound beep of the beep room.

'Huh, what's that noise?" he questioned 'I don't recall any of our medical equipment that had that noise before...'

The boy then tried to move his hand slowly but then noticed something on it. 'Huh? What's on my hand?'

Boboiboy flickered his eyes open, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room.

'Eh? Since when did we use IV drips, even I was unconscious for 5 days they didn't use one on me'

=Wait a minute= Boboiboy paused and stared at his right wrist.

=W-where's my power watch?!= panic arose within him as he quickly sat up and soon a wave of realization crashed into him.

=Is Retak'ka still ALIVE?! Did he manage to take my watch? My POWERS?= =Where's my friends?!= =Why am I in a HOSPITAL on EARTH?= =Where's my HAT?!= =I-I-I need to get out of here!= he exclaimed.

=W-what if... what if they're CAPTURED?!=

Boboiboy tore the IV drip from his hand =Ow= He tried to stand stand on his own but due to his still weak body, he nearly fell. So he depended on the wall to keep him stabilized when walking towards the door. =I-I need to get out of here!=

Boboiboy opened the door to be met with a doctor =w-who who are you?! Where am I?=

[ Woah, kid! Calm down, you are safe! ] The doctor tried to calm the teen but then soon realized something [ Wait do you even understand Japanese? ]

'Wait, Japanese?! Am I in JAPAN?!' he then responded [ I-I do understand Japanese... where am I actually? How did I get here? ]

[ You are in Musutafu Hospital in Japan. Your friends brought you here ] The doctor smiled.

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