Makeshift Marriage (Gender neutral reader)

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Sorry if the title kinda sucks but ehh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways I read a lot of your guys' comments and a lot of y'all wanted to marry John Doe (Who doesn't tbh 😍) so that's what this oneshot's gonna be about!!! (Quick A/N: basically he's wearing the outfit from this iconic piece of art cuz it's fancy and I don't wanna describe it in-depth 🤭)

Sorry if the title kinda sucks but ehh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways I read a lot of your guys' comments and a lot of y'all wanted to marry John Doe (Who doesn't tbh 😍) so that's what this oneshot's gonna be about!!! (Quick A/N: basically he's wearing the ou...

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John Doe POV
I've been planning this day for a while now. I'm finally going to propose to Y/N! To be honest, I never really understood the point of getting married before I met them. We've been together for so long, but we've barely even talked about that kind of stuff. But today is the day that I finally ask them to marry me!

I looked in the mirror, adjusting my tie for the fourth time. After I was satisfied with it, I checked the time on my phone. Y/N would get off work in 30 minutes, so I had to catch the bus to meet them soon. I had already told them to wear something nice beforehand, though I think everything they wear looks nice on them. I ran into the kitchen, quickly grabbed the bouquet of flowers I bought for them off the counter, and headed to the bus stop.

When I got off at my stop, I walked the rest of the way to the gas station. I checked the time again. Y/N would be off in about two minutes. I waited by the gas pumps for them, switching from checking the time to staring at the gas station's door. After another minute, Y/N finally walked out of the gas station. I ran up to them, not noticing the pebble beneath my feet and tripping and crashing right into them. Luckily they caught me before I could hit the ground.

After a few seconds to process what just happened, I realized I had landed face-first, directly onto Y/N's chest. I quickly stood up straight, stopping to admire Y/N's outfit. They were wearing a white button-down shirt (With the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, the top two buttons undone), black dress pants, and a black beaded bracelet. Though most would consider what they were wearing to be somewhat casual, they looked absolutely stunning nonetheless.

"Hey John! I tried dressing up nice like you said to do. So what's up?" They asked. "I wanted to surprise you by taking you out on a date! I already have everything planned out, and I even got you these-" I trailed off, about to hand them the bouquet. But the flowers looked extremely wilted, and the petals were falling off. I think I forgot to put them in water!

John reluctantly handed me the bouquet of flowers. They were a bit droopy looking, but very pretty. "These are lovely! Do you mind if I put these in the break room? They look a bit wilted." I asked. He nodded. I rushed back into the gas station, into the break room, filled an empty jar with some water, put the flowers in, and ran back outside.

"So, where to?" I asked. "I found this really nice restaurant that we could eat at! Don't worry, I'll pay." He answered. I was about to ask how he got the money to pay, but knowing him, I probably wouldn't want to know. So, I brushed it off and John held my hand. "It's a bit far from the gas station. We'll have to take the bus." John said, leading me to the nearest bus stop.

It was a quick ride to the restaurant. John held my hand for the entirety of the way, not letting go until it was time to take our seats in the restaurant. John pulled a chair out for me to sit down. He sat across from me, tapping his fingers together nervously. After we got our food, he finally spoke up. "If we were to get married, what kind of wedding would you like?" He asked.

I figured this was just a hypothetical question. "I wouldn't want one of those giant weddings. Mostly because I don't really have any family members to invite, and it would just be a pain to have to plan it out. I figured it would be nice with just me and you." I replied. John seemed to calm down a little. We continued eating and making small talk. Once we both finished eating, John payed the bill and we left the restaurant.

John Doe POV
"I have one more place that I want to take you. We're going to the park!" I exclaimed. Y/N smiled warmly. "Sounds great! It's a pretty nice day out as well." Y/N replied. I held their hand, squeezing it lightly. The park wasn't far from the restaurant, so we decided to walk there. After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached our destination.

We were walking down the park's path, stopping at a secluded area. We were surrounded by trees, moonlight poking through the gaps in the leaves. "There's a bench over there, do you want to sit down?" Y/N suggested. I nodded, and we sat beside each other on the bench. I was a nervous wreck at this point. Y/N looked at me, a bit concerned. "Are you okay John? You've been acting a bit off all night." They asked.

"I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now, Y/N." I stated, standing up from my seat. I got down on one knee in front of them, fumbling with ring in my pocket. I took the ring from my pocket, holding it up for Y/N to see. "We've been together for so long, Y/N. Each day I fall more and more in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Will you marry me, Y/N?" I asked.

I immediately felt a wave of nervousness rush over me. Y/N looked completely awestruck. "Of course I will! I love you so much, John!" Y/N answered. I was over the moon. They said yes! This was the best day of my life! "Thank you so much Y/N! You don't know how much this means to me! I can't wait any longer, let's get married right now!" I exclaimed. I stood up, slipping the ring onto Y/N's finger.

"Alright then, from this day onward, we're officially married. Like I said during dinner, I want to get married with just you and I, alone." Y/N answered, giving me the most beautiful smile. They pulled me into a kiss, their hand holding the back of my head. I wrapped my arms around them, returning the kiss. Despite me tripping into Y/N, the wilted flowers and me being a nervous wreck, this day was absolutely perfect. I love Y/N, and I hope to spend the rest of our lives together.

Done! Hope you enjoyed this one! I was actually pretty inspired for this one so it came out pretty good I think! Sorry it wasn't like an actual wedding ceremony but ehh :)

Wordcount: 1209

(DISCONTINUED) John Doe x Reader Oneshots (John Doe game)Where stories live. Discover now